Our retired friend that we left build his 52 at the shop used several unique methods in bed building. 5x10 plywood is readily available so he used a single sheet that has grooves routered in for the bed strips. In place of the large washers with the offset holes for the bed mount bolts he used plastic coated "D" rings. The bed to crossmember bolts are under the bed strips and the strips are held on with oval headed wood screws. The flash makes everything look much more vivid but in natural light the finish and lettering has an old faded look.
I like the truck, and really like the old-timey door lettering. Complete with Letter/number phone. Purdy cool.
Very nice bed finishing . I see he left out one digit on the 'phone # . I'm considering having some hand lettering done on my truck's doors , the " exchange " number so my neighborhood is SYcamore = 79 . So to look original you'd write it : SYcamore-1234 . I have an idea of using an old telephone in the art work .