Thought I would share some photos of what I've been busy with lately it is not finished but progress b=is being made.
Yes that is where I should take those I have worked on or fixed, I have another two beat up ones coming one of them being an abused Greyhound. I do know that I need another wire welder this harbor freight china clipper I have is not doing what I need.
Neat wagon. Is there a lot of intrest fore such items Charles ? I know a guy in the nearby valley whom restores peddle cars fore kids and they have become rather populair here. Martinius.
Martinius, Peddle cars are nice some people like to fix them I have a couple that I give out to the grand children but it now seems that the children today want the ones that drive by battery power.
Pedal cars !! Martinus ; Those are GREAT ! I'm not sure if I'd more want the blue Chevy Roadster or the Jeep with snow plow . Boy howdy those are beyond terrific . Sadly , the Wagon craze going on here has nothing to do with Children ~ it's self absorbed guys who go crazy with the art works , chrome , lowering , high riding , leather seats , radios , lights , horn etc. NONE of which is ever used or touched . I like the art idea but having a thing you cannot touch & enjoy , escapes me .
Coming along on the wagon, just about done with most of the items still a few things left to do before I do the finish it.