I apologize if this seems long winded, but I need to get it off my mind. This morning the around 5:30am our time my little female Xolo/Chihuahua mix died of heart failure. Windy brought 8 years of pure joy to us and she will be missed. The weekend started off by me losing my wallet Friday after leaving the bank. Did not know it until 2:30 Saturday morning when we were ready to leave to the property in Az. and then I noticed my wallet was gone, we were ready to walk out the door. Called the police and reported it missing. They sent out an Officer he was there before three AM. After he left I started calling the card companies. Most were finished by 8AM. So I figured I wait until the bank opened and turn in the Debit card. By the tie I got back from the bank it was after 11 AM. Got back home and I had a call on the machine, some guy stating his brother in-law had found the wallet, so to get it I went. Seems all there but the $300, figured what the hell went back home got ready again and left for the property. Wasn't really enough time to get anything done all but one of the tractors had dead batteries, and the creatures had eaten into the water system again. Fixed some of that and it was time to get back here. Our little dog was coughing some what on the way back figured it was her allergies acting up. Was back home by 6 PM Sunday. Monday Windy?s caught was not getting better so the other half took her to the Vet about 3:30PM, about 6 PM we got her medicine, things went down hill some but she was moving around . This morning the other Half wakes me tells me she is taking Windy back to the Vet, .. . . .. we had three calls between 4:00and 5:00 AM. , she had Windy back here by 5:30 AM and Windy passed on just after she got her into the house.
Hate to that, dogs are family. I had to put down my first Dalmatian, Crickett 2 1/2 years ago, still mis her.
Sorry to hear about your loss! Charles, I know how it feels to lose a 4 legged loved one. We had to put our cocker down about 2 months ago. He was 15 and my best little buddy. He was old and mean (kinda reminded me of myself!) Pets give so much and expect nothing in return! Just remember that all dogs go to Heaven and if you're good, you'll see your buddy again! Ken
Lo Siento-I am sorry ccharr, It is hard...I am truly sorry. I know how it feels.....and it has been almost 4 years for me and Chico, who died New Years of 2010. I still hurt. I stayed up all night with him watching the stars and thinking together. He was supposed to retire with me a few months later...and stay riding the 48 Chevy all over the place. I am so scared that I will gradually forget more and more of him. Sorry...Some one gave this to me way back then...I renamed it. (Please don't read it while at work or just before driving.) Chico Waiting at Heaven's Gate I got to the gate of Heaven yesterday after we said good-bye. I began to miss you terribly, because I heard you cry. Suddenly there was an Angel and she asked me to enter Heaven's gate. I asked her if I could stay outside for someone who'd be late. I wouldn't make much noise you see, I wouldn't bark or howl. I'll only wait here patiently and play with my tennis ball. The Angel said I could stay right here and wait for you to come. Because Heaven just wouldn't be Heaven if I went in alone. So I'll wait right here, you take your time, but keep me in your heart. Because Heaven just wouldn't be Heaven without you to warm my heart. Author unknown
Sorry for your loss, Charles. Your little dog has probably already came by and wizzed on my GMC, right? Here's my last buddy to go on~ "Escher" (named after my favorite artist, MC Escher) Friggin cancer at a hole right through his nose. He never complained or showed any signs of pain, but on this day he just couldn't go anymore. Dogs are great family members, for sure.
Feelings for domestic animals is good Charles and misses. They say that when holding a cat on your lap the ticker goes better ! They say that dogs are Peoples best friend and looks and acts like there owner(s) ! My sons border collie dog is a clever one and gives everyone much joy here on the farm and compagny. We give him all the care and attention he wants and more. Having a dog on a farm is nice. I feel with your loss, dogs are Peoples best friends ! Martinius.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your little furry friend. If you need assistance to provide you with a direction to memorialize the little guy with, just ask. That's what I do when I am not on here.
Thanks everyone. She was a trip as is all of our loyal friends . Windy knew a lot of tricks but peeing on G's was not one of them, she would have wanted to take a ride in it as long as she has held so she could see out.
Very sorry for your loss, Charles. You'll never forget your pet. My dog has been gone fifteen years now or better. I think of her often, and remember her fondly. You will be surprised at how often Windy will enter your mind. Something as simple as the sound of rustling leaves may remind you of how she liked running through a pile of leaves you worked hours to build, but it only took her a few seconds to scatter them about again. Many things will remind you of Windy. She will always be in your heart. Damon
O.t sorry to hear about your puppy i do recall you having her with you when you where at balboa park for the car show that was the first time i met you and your faithfull companion.
Thanks Damon and Ron, That is true about remembering I still remember my other dogs very keenly and yes Ron she was there that day, she really liked being around people.
Damn I'm sorry Charles ; I knew and liked Windy , she was a nice lil' pup . Nothing quite like snoozing in my recliner with two little furry friends on my lap .
Thanks Nate, She was a little fat girl that loved almost everyone. Neighbor across the street the pizza delivery guys were the exceptions.
Sorry for your loss, Charles. There's a quote I've heard before but can't find it to share. I'll try and remember how it goes: "A Person who has never loved a pet has a part of their soul that is yet to be awakened." We all come to love our pets, whether we all admit it or not. When they leave us, it truly hurts our heart. Bill
Like Children You nailed it there Bill ; As a child I was that one neighborhood kid who always got bit by dogs so I never had one until I was about 30 . I expect to have one (at least) for the rest of my life . No matter how bad my days are they're always there , happy to see me and give me some love . I didn't understand how a small pup could possibly be any good until I got one , only because it's easier to clean up after a smaller animal.... It turns out the smaller the dog , the longer it's likely to live . -Nate
thanks buddy. my moms is a wreck and thats what makes it harder, is seein my mom and dad so upset. my dad doesnt cry often but he has been the past few days. ive been givin my pug extra love