I drained the oil on my 235 a couple of weeks ago because it was showing way over full on the dipstick. What came out was gray colored and smelled heavily of gas and was very fluid. The radiator was full with anitfreeze and a nice bright green. I've only run the engine a small bit at idle and never ran it more than 5 minutes at a time over the past couple of weeks. I checked the dipstick yesterday and it was showing about an inch above the full line. I drained it to check and sure enough I got maybe two quarts of good clear water out before I saw any oil which was dark colored. I have now refilled her again with oil. I checked the radiator and it hasn't gone down a drop. I know that the book warns about condensation diluting the engine oil, but 2 quarts in about 20 minutes of total running? And it's crystal clear, no sign of antifreeze. Is this a new miracle of science or do I have a big problem? P.S. It did rain here in Oregon over the past couple of weeks and the cowl drain does drip on the valve cover, but I doubt that could provide an avenue for that much water.
Bossman,I think you'll find that the diaphragm in your fuel pump is bad. 9 out of 10 times it will pump gas straight into your oil pan!
HUMMM! That's one I didn't think of. I will take a look. I did put a new fuel pump on a couple of months ago but that doesn't mean it might not be bad.
RE: Water In Oil You'd be surprised at how much water comes through that drain pipe when it's raining . that's why it is so important to have it installed correctly , pointing to-wards the driver's side , not pointed directly at the rocker box . You said clear water drained out the sump and the radiator has -green- coolant so not to worry about the head gasket leaking just yet . A _LOT_ of water can collect in an engine , this is why you shouldn't run it unless you're going to keep it running at least 20 minutes so as to heat it up and the water will begin to vaporize and go out the road draft tube etc. . You'll also get more water out if you drain it whilst _HOT_ . Better do some driving and repeat _HOT_ oil & filter changes before you loose that engine.... If the oil / water drained out smells ' gassy ' then the fuel pump is also suspect . -Nate
Gas mixes with oil and makes the vis go way thin. Gasoline won't seperate from oil. Oil floats on top of water. There used to be a lot of water come out of tailpipes before the catalectic converters vaporized it. Water takes a long time to boil out especially with 180-deg thermostat. This is probably one of the reasons GM put the oil filler in front on the truck motors?