I would like to add an oil filter to my 52 Chevrolet pickup (with a 235). Any suggestion on what type to add and sources? Thanks Richard
Plenty of bolt ons available , they were made by many different companies , primarily AC & FRAM , used and N.O.S. from Flea-Bay . Fits ALL Chevy Inline engines from 1937 ~ 1962 , by-pass typ with a cartridge you replace at _EVERY_ hot oil change . Don't let anyone tell you they don't work ! that's just lazy know nothing types who hate fooling with the messy cartridge and so make excuses ~ I've changed thousands of these over the years and every one comes out filthy... NAPA & WIX (amoung others) make replacement elements , 5" & 7" IIRC . Best bet is to buy a complet one off a takeout engine so you'll get ALL the little pieces and hoses , fittings etc.
There are a few vendors that sell (for an arm and a leg) oil cannister filters. Jim Carter is one of them. You'll need to call them as they are not listed in their catalog. Make sure to ask them if it has the 2 "U" bolts to attach the cannister to the exhaust manifold, the fittings to attach to the cannister and engine block, the element that goes inside, etc. The 2 hoses can be made up at a good FLAPS. If you need pictures of the set-up, let us know and we can fix you up.
Richard Here ya go : https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?p=40330#post40330 Keep an eye on this thread.....
My friend that gave me my truck has a small boneyard nearby. I am certain that he has a complete set-up. I think I saw it on an AD that I was pulling parts from. Want me to ask him if he does and how much he wants for it? Andy
Spin on filter an option My old canister filter had a stress crack in it. I went to NAPA and bought the spin on filter set-up. It isn't quite as cool as the original, but it works quite well, and is easy to find filters. Jim
Spin On Oil Filter That's pretty neat ! I wonder if there's a way to attach it to the intake manifold.... Is that a pressure gauge on the inlet line ? if so , why ? . What's the deal with the long heater hose on the left side of the engine ? .
Hey Nate, I suspect that is an a/c hose, judging by the crimp at the other end. That makes me jealous, as I would love to add a/c. Just can't afford to.....Mike
Extra Hose My bride said I could build this truck only if it were air conditioned. It is air conditioned. 134a, from Old Air out of Fort Worth. That is an oil pressure gauge Nate, it serves no purpose at all except it is some thing to watch when I pull on the foot feed rod and rev the 235. It was laying around the garage and i stuck it in line when I put on the filter set-up. Ol Chebby has a mail box under his hood, after all. We built the truck in 3 years flat, likely made what Ziggy has in process look like rocket science the way we went after it. Would love to do it again. Jim
I run the old air system also, and it is pretty good, easy to install. As for the mailbox, that is what happens when you have too much time on your hands and too much junk in the garage.
Thanks, Jim! Gosh, Jim~ All you have to do is ask~ You know we have a spare bedroom and that I'd be happy to feed you. If you really want to do another one, you can come up and help, OK? You just wait! I can feel it! I just have until the weekend before I can dive into this for a week solid. I've already found out what was underneath about 150 pounds of gunk. A really purdy transmission and a rocket of an engine! As it becomes cleaner and cleaner, I'm thinking how fun it will be to post a picture of "things". (Truck Porn!) I don't really have a "we". My daughter loves to help, but attention span isn't as long lasting as mine is...