just got back from florida. craziness. anyway- i just got a new gasket from CP and when i tried to line it up, the holes are all off. the package says 216 and 235, but could there be a slight difference i wonder? i'd post pics, but my camera is acting up. thanks in advance!! jon
p.s. - just thought id' mention, this is my first time ever even dropping an oil pan, so it's not out of the question that i'm an idiot. thanks!! jon
YOU Asked ! Of course you're ' an idiot ' ~ you're still playing with trucks , aren't you ? What are you trying to put the oil pan onto ? a full pressure 235 is totally different from a splasher 216/235...... If you clean the Beejeebers out of both sufaces , you can use that new " The Right Stuff " gasket maker in a Foo-Foo can instead of any gasket......
Since I'm an old 6 banger idiot, I may be out of line here but can the gasket only go on one way perhaps. I have had many oil pans off of other cars and they can only go on one side, and if they are upside down then the holes will be out of line. Just a suggestion.
No, I know Nate is correct-(Shocking Hu). Most likely the wrong gasket. 235 was not just one engine like most of the parts books show. Not sure I would agree with his gasket in the can. Please forgive me Nate. I personally am not a big fan on older stuff/non machined surfaces with using them. Maybe just my deal working with the Volvo's and all for too many years. But a gasket while not always 100% seem to work better for me on older "rough" surfaces.
You're Right of Course ...Please to note : I didn't say I used or recommended it , I was just trying to be helpful ~ the oil pan going back on is usualy the last thing before crankingg 'er up again so I figured you were in a hurry . My son uses and swaears by gasket goop , I don't like/trust it although it's solved a few problems here & there . HAPPY FATHER's DAY !
A note on gasket goop--it works by adhesion not by compression like cork or rubber. It is absolutely necessary for both surfaces to be oil free. After scraping a good cleaning with lacquer thinner or acetone will get the oil film off. DO NOT HAVE ANY SPARK OR FLAME NEAR (like in the same building). It's amazing how bent up and irregular the surfaces can be and this stuff will make a seal. Of course clean, straight, and a regular gasket still gets my vote.
gasket sealer Right stuff in the cheese whiz can works great. A lot of new cars use sealers in place of certain gaskets. Like it was said though, very clean, and oil free. And keep in mind, too much sealer can be a bad thing, and a lot of them once dried, are very difficult to remove. But when used correct, they can be very effective. Just a thought....Mike
Jon, check the casting # on your engine block. 216 and 235 pan gaskets were the same up thru the 55 first series. 235's from the 55 second series on were different. If you've got the later full pumper 235, you've got the wrong gaskets.
thanks guys!! yeah, i am trying to get it running, but if it'll save me some heartache in the future, i'll wait for the right gasket. the casting # is 3835913 if i'm looking at the right number, anyway. which i think means it's a 235 from either a 54 or 55??? can someone corroborate that? thanks again!! jon
ok, got some pictures. it looks as though the gasket is very straight, whereas the oil pan has some curves in it, which may cause some problems. is this normal stuff, or do i need a different gasket maybe? thanks!! jon
?? looks good to me ~ add the end pieces and you're good to go . That's a '55 and newer full pressure 235/261 oil pan there...
oil pan gasket Nate, unless I am seeing things different than you are, that gasket does not look correct. The holes do not line up the way they should. I also believe the one side gasket should have the curved shape to match the pan already in it, not bend to fit. Not sure if I remember right, you have much more experience with them than I do, but it just doesn't seem right. Any thoughts?.........Mike
yeah, mike. that was my concern. i can get the four main ones to line up, but not the rest, or vice-versa. doesn't seem right, but i dunno. thanks jon
(smack) Wake Up Nate ! (smack) OOPS ! what was I , asleep ? . You are correct , they sold you the WRONG gasket ! it doesn't match atall , go take it back , this is from your FLAPS , right ? NAPA Victor P/N : OS31116 fits 1955 ~ 1962 ALL . this is the good rubberized cork gasket .
went to NAPA today and tried the part number there... they said they couldn't get that particular one, but they did hook me up with a cork Fel-Pro that works- i saw a picture of it- it looks like it'll be just right. had to order it, i'll let you guys know tomorrow. jon
?? What The Hey ?? I'm wondering how NAPA could possibly have any troubles getting a part listed in THIER BOOK..... Anyway , although I hate cheapo Fel-Pro gaskets , if it fits , you'll be good to go .
ok, i was just about to send an email to CP about offering the wrong type of gasket, and lo and behold, they have the correct one on there! i just ordered the wrong freakin' gasket. totally my fault- rookie mistake. oh well, live and learn. CP still rocks, although they don't offer those victor reinz gaskets, but maybe sometime in the future. jon
What...NAPA not able to order a part in their book?? It happened to me when I went to the NAPA FLAPS to get my 216 water pump. I'm using the conversion plate which brings the old style (216) pump up higher on the later 235 engine. So NAPA had the part listed, but it wasn't readily available. Brought an old pump to them and had them send it out and rebuild it. Also bought a '58 voltage regulator to convert to 12 volts. Price for both was $140.00 Not using those guys again, I'll tell you that. Have since found two very good FLAPS after much searching, thank goodness. Plus, I have a patient who is a mobile parts guy. You know...he drives a big step-van and delivers parts to the local shops. He has been really good at helping me keep my daily drivers going. Like, front rotors and bendix pads for my Exploder for under $100.00 total. Too bad that most of his supply houses don't have books that go back far enough for the AD trucks. Will get a few parts from him, though, like shocks, plugs, wires, etc. Great guy, great patient, prices at his cost. Can't beat it. Andy
Flaps I think I've got 'em all now, but this one I just can't get. The best I can come up with is... well... I can't print it. I KNOW it has nothing to do with parts stores, so that wouldn't be it unless ya'll are nutty as I am. Let's think PARTS store... 1) Finally Let All Plans Side? 2) Fer Landsake! Anyone - Please? S#*%!!! 3)Fer#@*&^! LORD ABOVE!!! PLEASE!!!! S#*%!!!! any other ideas?