So ; I was talking to a few of you all off list about oil pressure and how much do you need , how much should it have and so on ~ The 216 is a 1930's tech engine and so it doesn't have nor need much oil pressure , even when new and fully wound up it'll only have 20 - odd PSI and the average 216 that runs well won't show any pressure at all @ idle and only 5 ~ 15 PSI at full tilt boogie . What it will have is : a large volume of oil circulating 'round and that's just fine . The full pressure 235 engines when new will have up to 50 PSI off idle and 20 ~ 35 PSI @ idle but that will usually drop by 10,000 miles . Again , as long as the oil gauge needle comes up off the peg when you give it throttle , it's good to go , don't worry about it . If you're overhauling or rebuilding your old 235 , don;t be in a hurry to replace that original oil pulp as even the Melling brand pumnps are very poorly made these days , I'd sooner get a N.O.S. one off E-bay if my old pump was junk . I was blowing and going down the freeway to-day at a good 65 MPH , engine singing it's song and oil pressure at maybe 30 PSI ~ it doesn't run hot and no discernable bearing knocks at any speeds or loads . When I put a full pressure engine into an earlier vehicle , I always leave the low pressure gauge as the 235 will keep the needle in the middle most of the time and that makes the customer happy . Keep it full of fresh clean oil and change it often and your engine will have a long and robust lifespan . I hope this helps aleviate some worries .
Nate, how about the old style filters. Any real benefit or just for looks ? Does not seem like they flow much oil.
By Pass Oil Filtration Yes , they only get 10% or so but any filtration is better than none , take the elemnt apart some day and observe the dirt , SWARF & crud in it.... Some don't understand this as it's easier to not deal with the messy cartridge typ oil filter.... Remember : HOT Oil changes , not just warm .
Speaking of Oil Filters Nate, I found that AC oil filter I was asking you about in the Master Parts catalog. AC-653, fits '40-54 Chevy all, except DD and COE. Sure am going hate getting it all oily, it looks so good sitting in its orginal box
It'll fit COE too , just needs different (longer) hoses... For some odd reason , they put a COE filter kit on my '49....