Oil Pressure Sender???????????

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by BIG CHEVY 3600, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. BIG CHEVY 3600

    BIG CHEVY 3600 Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    Shakespeare said, "he who hesitates is lost". For me and my oil pressure sending unit nothing could be more true. Had I bought one and installed it before the cab was bolted down it could have been done with ease. Now it may take a contortionist.
    Is there another place to screw it in besides under the distributor?
  2. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Sometimes a plug right above the oil filter and some times between the timing chain cover and the driver side head. If no plug at the front above the chain cover there is usually a flat spot where the plug would be. You can drill into the oil galley using a bit heavily coated with bearing grease to trap the chips and tap with a 1/8 pipe tap also coated with heavy grease. Just had to do this on a sixteen thousand dollar Roush 402 Ford engine so I guess it's safe. By far the best is to get the factory 45 degree angle fitting (NOT a 90) that was used on some Chevy trucks with manual guages in the 70's. The 45 degree fitting screws into the block just clearing the back of the manifold and into this you can use any length nipple to clear what ever or even put a second fitting on the nipple to change direction.

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