Does anyone have a layout diagram which shows how to wire an oil pressure switch to where it works while the engine is running. be it a 2 or 3 wire system? All I found on the WWW was discussions on the method but I like to have a visual layout to make sure I am doing it correct the first time around.
OP Switch Look in late 1970's junker's for a bulky lookng OP switch with two leads , one is for the oil pressure light or gage , the other is grounded until 10 PSI or so ~ Wire it to a relay so the switch kicks the relay and the relay powers the fuel pump . Fused of course, experiment with the _lowest_ rating fuse you can , typically 5 ~ 7 amperes . Be sure to wire in a by pass so it lights off whilst cranking or you'll wear the starter out in no time.... BTW ~ his switch is mounted on a long 1/4" (?) pipe so it clears the block , some have a 'T' to connect a manual oil pressure gauge . I hope this gets you going , I wish I could take pix in the scrapyards as I see this stuff occasionally .