Ran the truck a good 30 miles the other day and noticed after I shut down I was getting some slight leakage from the crankcase vent tube. I suspect it is normal but wanted to hear from you guys. My engine isn't totally dry as I get a little weepage from the rear main seal and a few other areas but no big thing. I am of the opinion this is normal and don't expect to have a totally dry engine. Am I wrong? Thanks in advance. Dave
The oil drip after a drive seems fairly normal to me, for an engine with a lot of miles on it. If it's been overhauled in it's recent life i wouldn't expect that though. BTW, I haven't seen posts by you before,so if you're new here, Welcome. Bring on the questions and these guys will help you through the problems. Post a few pictures of your truck, too! Bill B. I just realized that you've been a member as long as I have. .. so you already know about the help here!
Road Draft Tube Drips Hi Dave ; There are many variables here but the # 1 is : the oil filler cap or rocker box must be vented else it'll drip constantly . Adding the hard to find factory PCV valve that uses an inverted Road Draft Tube , is the very best way to go and it'll make your engine leak less , use less oil and last far longer .
Bilbo just added a PCV system to his Chevy 235 engine GMC using over the counter parts. He seems happy with it. I did the same to my 228 GMC engine and have not decided if it is a keeper yet. The Chevy (with a breather/filler cap on top of the valve cover) is certainly easier to do.
Oil filler tube Thanks all for your feedback. The real question is should I be concerned that she is spitting a little oil out of the oil breather ? I will check the oil cap. And make sure she is clean and I won't sand blast any thing. I am not sure I want to put any thing on the grill yet. Is there a filter of some sort in the top of the oil tube breather? Still learning, Dave
Oil Drips If that's the only place it drips oil from , you're a lucky man indeed . It is normal for oil mist to collect in there and some will inevitably dribble down and out instead of back into the engine .