One Step Forward.....

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by vwnate1, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I got a buncha little things done to - day as I'm hitting the road in a week or so ;

    Adjusted the clutch & valves , they were all tight , replaced the old , rock hard & leaky rockerbox gasket , installed the gas tank's original skid plate I found last summer , installed the gone missing park brake cable to frame support so now it actually holds the truck from slowly rolling away in neutral , replaced the broken (?? HOW ??) distributor hold down clamp & re set the timing , bumped it up from 8° to 10° BTDC , repaired the loose & wobbly carby linkage and added a few flat washers to prevent future wear , little things like that .

    It runs smoother than it has in a few thousand miles , the 1/4" difference in the clutch adjustment , makes a HUGE improvement , I think I'll be replacing the clutch before the year's out .

    I need to find a source for the distributor's flyweight bushings , they're tiny plastic flanges and almost completely worn away at this point....

    One thing I learned : when you take your cell 'phone out of your shirt pocket so it won't get wet when you're de - greasing the engine , don't leave it on the roof of the cab then forget it ~ I don't know if one of the local crackheads grabbed it when I left it parked in the street or what ~ I know it didn't get run over as I went looking for it squished in the street and it's still working as it rings & goes to voicemail.

    I guess I'll go to -morrow and have it shut off & buy a new one , bummer as I use it as my address book and that's all gone now :mad: .

    I was hoping to find it run over so maybe I coulda saved the SIM Card at least....
  2. Pontiac1976

    Pontiac1976 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    The dist go to any car shop get after market tune kit. IE MR.Gasket,Accel, those are the two big ones has to be none HEI I beleave 67-74. You can some of the dist rebillders shops. (AC DELCO ) if you have any in your area or try GM parts store. just maybe GM dealer can teel you where if your lucky. :cool:
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Flyweight Bushings

    THANX ! as it turned out , I looked on Rock Auto .Com and found them for $4.

    I drove the truck W/ SWMBO in it all day to - day and it runs terrific .
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Rockerbox Gasket

    This Fel-Pro gasket fits 194 , 230 , 250 & 292 C.I.D. InLine 6 Bangers....

    # VS13173R1

    It's _not_ the old Fel-Pro leaks like a sieve rubber gasket ~ it's a rubberized fairly stiff one , seems o.K. so far .

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