I was wondering if anyone has purchased the repo 54 grill. I'm torn with going that way or using the one I have that is already painted for the truck. I'm adding a few pics, try hard to imagine it with chrome. Any feedback would be nice. It's sorta like dancing with a girl in a prom dress or blue jeans. Both look good.
Personally Id Go With Chrome, I Really Cant Stand The 1980's Fad With Painting The Whole Vehicle (bumpers, Grille, Handles, Moulding) All The Same Color. Theres No Abstract With That And It Looks Like Someone Just Threw A Can Of Paint At The Whole Vehicle.
Hey Teach, is your plan still to go with silver and purple on the body? How dark is the purple? If you paint the grill, what color are you thinking about it?
OK. Hard to explain the paint scheme but will try. The color you see is silver on the bottom, the grill is painted silver. The metallic deep purple will come down from the top and miss the front fenders, there will be two waterfall swirls. 1. on the doors 2. behind the fender. There is a dividing color which matches the leather seats that will run the length of the truck...Told ya it was hard to explain. the purple is going on this week, so hopefully I can get some pictures to show.
Grille Choices Hard to belive but I've seen some nice Monochromatic paintjobs . The 80's Monochrome thing was to $ave $ , nothing else .of course the gullible buying public took it hook , line & sinker . they tried it back in the 1940's and it went over like a dead balloon - people didn't follow as easily then . Why not have the original , painted grille chromed ? that way it'll fit and be of good quality too . Originals in flett colors (yellow , orange , red etc.) look O.K. with a white grille IMO but you're paying for it , do it how -you- like . Teacher , I can't wait to see your finished truck .
I can't vote i'm on the fence. Chrome is always good, but then again i'm visualizing the grille painted silver with the backsplash painted purple. Those repop '54-55.1 chrome grilles are new on the market, right? Like Nate said, I too wonder about the quality and "ease of fit" on them. I've not read about anyone who has tried one yet.
Called Classic parts today. Price is $699 plus $69 for shipping. Don't think I could have mine chromed any cheaper. I too worry about the bugs a reproduction would have. The guy working on mine said it would only take about 2 hours to swap out. LOL..He charges me $25 an hour. 40 hours a week for the last 3 weeks..3 weeks left before going to upholstery guy.
IMHO I would keep the painted grille and, after you get your purple on, stand back and take a look. I suspect that someone with your creativity, a side of my brain that goes largely unused, could design a purple accent for the grille that would pull it all together and make it even more unique. If there are degrees of uniqueness, of course. Gater
I thought about painting the inner parts of the grill purple, but I thought it would be to loud, I am painting the script on the top bar purple. After reading another post I would have to say that April 28 is just a start for driving the truck. I'm sure little changes will be made as I see other trucks and all the neat little gadgets.
Some Flame Throwers Out The Exhaust Sure Would Look Cool Coming Out Of Your Truck!! Cheap And Easy To Do Too.
Repro 54 grills?? I've seen one of the new repop 54 grills and was surprised at how many blemishes there were on it. Maybe it was just that one. I cant speak for any one else, but for 700.00 it better be perfect. Can't beat factory original. Chris
Ouch, that scares me even more. I do agree for that much I wanted it show quality. Since I live in MO, I might just take a weekend and go see them in person. Even will get to see the showroom "Old Navy Trucks". Wife is always telling me I need to take her somewhere. Wonder how that would go over.
spare grille? If you decide tp swap it for a chrome re-pop, I would gladly take your original off your hands to have a good spare. When I restored Thunder 5-6 years ago, 54 grille parts could be found, but not complete grilles. Thunder is dark forest green, with a matching grille. The grille required a bunch of re shaping work because of Thunder's previous life as a Texas farm truck. Even without the chrome grille, he can win a prize at the local show and shine. Jim S.
Good looking truck Jim. I will wait and see how the repop looks before deciding. I searched high and low for the one I have now. I did have a chromed one, but it needed reworked. The one that is on Rusty now I got from E**y for $400 plus shipping. Still had to do some work on it. Might just hang it on the wall and if I ever need one I will have it. I might have to start a page just for 54's.
your project site Well, I took a bit of time to look over your truck progress on your site. Your 54 is going to be a very nice truck. If you build a 54 site, I have boxes of photos of my 54 project as well. I just about figured out the order of things (what to do in what order) about the time I got the old AD back on the street. Jim
Speaking of '54 site... Tim Lederman has completely revamped his truck site. I think it's one of the best site around. Check it out at http://1954advance-design.homeip.net
As the room can tell I'm not an expert on AD trucks or web design. I run a pawnshop here in Kennett and love to spit tobacco in trash cans along with wearing my Liberty overalls. I feel that the 54 would look great sitting out front. I enjoyed the link to Tim's site. Love those old ads. Will try to make site alittle more organized when I get all the pics done. I have figured out to resize pics so they load faster. Sorry about that. If anyone wants to share 54 pics then I will make a new page.
Teach, its a great question!! The origingal 54 grills were painted the same color as the truck body, but the 55.1 used an ivory paint on all the grills. That made a nice contrast to the front of the truck. My opinion is that since the grill is such a distinquishing feature of the 54-55.1 chroming it would gives way too much 'sparkle' to the front end, considering the bumper, light bezels and two hood ornaments. (You ARE going to have an eagle, right?) Might the chrome get lost in the surrounding silver color? Paint gives so many more options to be creative, and I have no doubt you will come up with an eye popper. You have a great looking truck!! Sully
I'd vote on your poll, but I wouldn't be painting the grill to save money- it would be because it would provide a look that was special or unique and offered just the kinda' look I needed. Chrome is cool and classic- paint is outside the box. But what do I know- rattle-rattle
Zig. After looking at yours and Jim's I think I will wait until it is finished. I think the painted looks good and the silver metallic paint might hide the effect of the chrome anyways. I quess I was premature on the poll since I need the whole effect of the truck finished before making a choice. 1 good thing is that I can always change from paint to chrome..hard to go from chrome to paint