I just pulled my gauges to send back to rebuilders...minor problems. It took me more then an afternoon to get them out due to space limitations and my decrepitant shape. I figured i might ask if anyone had a favorite sequence for re-installing. I have the radio speaker panel out now too! I don't want to play in there any longer then I have too.
Connect wires and tubes to multi guage under dash, don't overtighten the oil pressure guage! Push up and into hole, hold with left hand and tighten nuts with right through speaker hole. Speedo next, hold in place with left hand, tighten nuts with right reaching through the speaker hole. Now attatch speedo cable and illum. wires.
Then a Hot Toddy or three, plus an arthritis pill. I had trouble getting the little gauge lights to stay in while. I rummaged around back there. Maybe the wife will help??? Thanks guys
The Wife Oh yeah ~ that's a smart idea ! ask her to work on your old truck... I've not been up under my dash in some years , I remember lying on the floor and being afraid I'd get stuck because of my broken back . I agree with Russ , hold the gauge pods in and tilted so you can reach the connectors , BU SURE to use a thin ignition wrench to hold the inner nuts & stud from turning else you'll ruin it .