Ken helped by running the numbers. It seems to be from a 64-66 Chevelle, 3 speed with a Borg Warner OD. Can anyone tell me what manufacterer and model this is. I want to buy a shifter for it. It has a 4 bolt side cover. #3849534 9GM, W.D. Div RIOM-1 B-15-4 N@ Thanks, Flashlight
Just to the left of the solenoid in both pictures is a set of numbers on the tranny itself. Post those numbers and let's see what that will do toward ID'ing it.
If it's course (10) spline on the output shaft it's 64 or older and if it's fine spline on the output it's 65 or newer. It makes absolutely no difference what year it is since every single one made used the Borgwarner OD unit. This includes Studebaker, Packard, Kaiser, Ford, Hudson, you name it; they were all exactly the same (cases varied). Being a chevy you are assured it is a 12v solenoid since they started using them in 1955. Yours still has the non-syncronized first gear while some very hard to find later units were on the fully synchronized heavy duty 3 speeds. The "W.G. Div" on your OD case stands for Warner Gear Division. Just bolt it in, wire it up, and drive it. If you ever need any parts check out a Studebaker web site since more of them used the BW OD than any other brand. I have eleven of them and the next time I use one I'll just grab the one nearest the door.