Torque tube 1948 1/2 ton.Pinion lock nut is broke at lock clip so i can not lock it into the slot.Any ideas were to get one, is this a necessity.Tack with a weld?Thanks
lock nut/clips Yes you need the lock nut and the clip but i would advice you to buy another one and not weld the old broken one. You could send an e.mail or phone Patrick Dykes at Patricks Antique Cars & Trucks AR. or you can send a pm. to DeadZoneTruckin (Joe) here at this forum. I am shore they can help you out with used spare ones. Martinius.
Torque Tube Parts NO WELDING ! that will ruin things beyond repair . On the unlikely chance that Joe or Patrick can't fix you up , look in older posts from Hod Rodders as they think Torque Tubes are junk , being big , ugly , greasy and heavy , so they'll usually sell cheaply or give them away . Please mention where you're located as some one may be near you with what you need .......
I kept the torque tube off of my project truck. If I didn't have to damage what you need when I removed it from the truck, you're welcome to it. Can you post photos? Damon
I will check with Dead zone i might buy his 3.55 ring pinion or Patrics.On a nother web sight they referd me to a ebay they have the lock nut for $11.00. Thanks for all your help guys