This clown is sending private messages to everyone. Not only here at Classis Parts but everywhere. It is probably SPAM, but could be a virus, so I wouldn't open it. I got 2 PM's today by a relatively new member, Jessie, message text being: Hey, What's up? --- Jessie Don't know if this has been addressed before or not, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention Do we/Classic Parts, have any controls for keeping bots out of here?
Sorry, I've been out for a few days... Thanks for letting us know about the spam. That user's account (as well as the private messages they sent) has been removed. I've also set up a new, better image verification system on the forum registration page--you know, those things that say something like "Type the word shown in the picture below"--which should hopefully cut down on the number of automated registrations (bots).