And there's always good stuff there , either to buy , look at or oggle (some of the ladies are un believe able !) . The weather is forecasted to be hot & sunny so do wear long sleeves & a broad brimmed hat , I usually wear a rice pickers straw hat , looks goofy but saves my Irish skin . I already have my 1976 GMC C-2500 loaded up , I'd post over on that forum but they don't really seem to care , a sad state of affairs IMO . I was out in the Desert to - day perusing older junkyards and sadly , they've gone & sold my favorite one so ALL those wonderful old cars are now gone , bailed up for scrap , just like I told the previous owners would happen if they didn't lower their prices ~ everything got sold for less than scrap value when the sold the yard dammit ! . I don't know why junkies are so incredibly STUPID ~ I ran a junkyard and guess what ? MONEY coming in hand over fist and no storage worries as I turned my inventory by SELLING IT not jerking off folks who came in with fat wallets wanting to $PEND . Oops ~ ranting again , not sorry though . Anyways , I'll be in the VW parts section , look for a faded red (? orange ?) long bed GMC with some old fat guy next to it trying to unload worthless old air cooled VW parts... Cheap though .
I think I voted yes, but I'm not sure! My experience with swap meets is this! Never go looking for a specific part that you just got to have! It will never be there! I go to them just to have a good time and bond with other gearheads! Always remember that swap meets are like getting a group of fishermen together. The first liar doesn't stand a chance! I know that you know this Nate, I'm merely trying to teach the newbies a valuable lesson. Never ask a shark if it's OK to jump in the water! They will always say yes. Never go to a swap meet and ask someone: "Hey, will this fit my 50 chevy truck?" "Oh yeah" will always be the answer. Caveat emptor! Rant over!
Swap Report No ; I didn't have time to go out that far , I was looking for 1960 & 1970's imported junk , didn't find any tho' . PO-Mona really has to get better gate workers ~ they turned my son and I away , said ' sold out ' even thought the VW section never , EVER sells out , I found out later it never filled beyond 1/2 way folks began calling the cell 'phone asking where the hell we were..... Ah , well . next time . At least my boy helped me to re arrange many of the parts into easy to load milk crates , he says I should keep collecting them and fill the entire truck with crates of small parts , easier to handle thata way . I also got to rake up lots of leaves & debris where the parts had been stored so not all was a waste , I love spending time with my son .