Power Steering Pump

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by nerfherder78, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. nerfherder78

    nerfherder78 Member

    Aug 15, 2003
    Fairfield, CA
    Has anyone here rebuilt their power steering pump? I'm wondering how hard this is and if there are any tricks I should know before I take mine apart. My hydroboost system has always had the common seeping problem, but lately it seems to have gotten a little worse. I ordered a new set of AC Delco hoses from Rockauto and figured I'd get a pump rebuild kit while I was at it.
  2. nerfherder78

    nerfherder78 Member

    Aug 15, 2003
    Fairfield, CA
    I got lucky and found a spare power steering pump at Pick-n-Pull to rebuild back around Thanksgiving off my perfect parts truck ('85 C20 6.2L/Th400, a/c, dual tanks, and what looked like a class V tow hitch that they decided to use to support the back of the truck:()

    Step 1: Remove the pulley - requires a specific puller because it's pressed on, but it only cost me $25 from Harbor Freight.
    Step 2: Remove the brackets
    Step 3: Remove the bolts/studs and pressure union from the back of the reservoir - I clamped the pump in a wood vise to do this
    Step 4: Remove the reservoir - couple hits along the edge with a rubber mallet did the trick
    Step 5: Remove the end cover - this is held in by a retaining ring, there is a hole in the housing you can stick a punch through to pop an end of this out. Behind the end cover is a spring.
    Step 6: Place the pump on a solid surface and tap on the shaft to remove the thrust plate and cam ring, the vanes will likely fall out of the rotor as well.
    Step 7: Remove the Shaft/Rotor assembly - I used a small sledge and a soft piece of wood.
    Step 8: Remove the Shaft seal - a seal puller makes this a breeze

    Got the entire pump disassembled and found out I needed a new shaft bushing that wasn't included in the kit I bought. So I had to wait a few weeks to get the bushing and find some more time to work on the pump. The bushing also needs its own remover/installer, but I was able to use some bolts to persuade it out (3/4" hex head) and press the new one in (old leaf spring bolt and a shorter 5/8" grade 8 bolt) without damaging the pump housing.

    Reassembly was pretty straightfoward, used a block of wood and a sledge to reinstall the shaft seal and shaft assembly, and a socket and the wood vise to compress the endcover back into place so I could install the retaining ring.

    Still waiting to put this in the truck due to weather, but overall this was a pretty easy project; the hardest part being the bushing.

    Attached Files:

  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    PS Pump Service

    I usually just exchange them .

    The # 1 thing to remember is ; never , EVER bang the pulley back on ! this will cause an internal crack that ruins your new pump ~ use a bit of All Thread and some washers & nuts , it's very easy to install the pulley this way , it just takes a moment longer .

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