Power to rear weight ratio

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by kjprince, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. kjprince

    kjprince Member

    Aug 19, 2003
    Hillsboro USA
    Hey all....long time since last post but my 65 had a "GREAT BALL OF FIRE" under the hood one night with the smoke and flames and fire dept and everything so it is not running to well right now. (on the bright side though the only damage is with hoses and wires so shouldn't cost more then about $200 to fix) Anyways.....

    My question is i have a long fleet and a friend of my has made the comment that if i build this thing with TOO much power(like there is such a thing) that because of the light weight in the rear over the power tires they will just spin and not grip when i want to step on it (whether from a stop or while on the go) what do you all think of this. I am looking into a smaller big block chevy with 450 to 600hp. Do you all think he is right? and if so is there ANYTHING that i can do (keeping the look stock and keeping the bed with the wood) to help keep the grip in the rear other then welding lead weights to the entire rear frame.
  2. AC1108

    AC1108 Guest

    If the truck has posi I would say a bigger tire, some traction bars and a nice little wooden block placed under the accelerator that restricts you from getting on it to hard. Imagine the reverse of the cab in Indian Jones.

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