Hi guys, I know we have a lot of painters out there. Question; I just sprayed my first coat of building primer, and it feels like sand paper? Looking for possible reasons. I heard that it could be too hot out, could weather play a part? We didn't use a booth. Help... Thanks, Lee
Most likely you sprayed high build primer with a gun with a color nozzle orfice. Rather than give you numbers like 1.5, 2, 2.5, etc., just go to an auto paint place and tell them the gun you have and what you're spraying. They can set you up with the correct size orfice. If a Harbor Freight or some discount gun take it with you and they can tell if it's a knock off of a Binks, DeVilbiss, Sata, Iwata etc. The good tip will fit the cheap gun (usually).
Lee I have an old binks can gun. Father-in-laws old! I had the same problem and my son-in-law came to tell me what the problem was tore the gun completely apart and cleaned EVERY thing put it back together and it worked great. I am not a painter but you might try something easy first. Papy