Project gone bad

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by coilover, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    A fellow, electrical engineer no less, brought his 47 Plymouth in to have it made at least safe to drive. I told him we would do what we could but since he INSISTS on keeping the long tube tuned headers that what it amounts to is no matter how fast and long you stir horsesh*t it will never turn into angle food cake. I think he should have attended a class or two in structural and mechanical engineering. The first pic shows the unmolested right frame rail, about a 3x4 box frame, and the second shows his described "needed" modification for header clearance. Others show the chopped front crossmember for p/s pump clearance and motor mount stands that have a tearing effect on the cross member. I didn't shoot the power steering box mount, where the weld slag is, but it held the box higher than the valve cover and had the pitman shaft cut and extended down with a piece of galvanized pipe; safe I'm sure.

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  2. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire

    It would seem to me the best thing you could possibly do is respectfully roll the vehicle OUT OF YOUR SHOP, and decline to have your name associated with such a potential disaster.

    While I am no Engineer, structural or otherwise, I see the inherent danger in the modifications shown in the name of "header clearance".

    I'll have more of my own "frame modification" pictures to share soon, I believe a good bit more thinking has gone into what I have done than what this gentleman has...
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Wow Evan ;

    that's a right scary turd .
  4. Ricos54

    Ricos54 Member

    Aug 24, 2013
    Evan, as you being the professional in this matter I would take no short cuts because life/lives could be a factor. I would tell the customer if he wants your shop to make a driver out of it changes must be made and you will not touch it unless you can fix it the way it needs to be in order to make it safe.. If he doesn't not like your recomendation then he can take it somewhere else, simple as that.
  5. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Not show quality but at least safe now. The upper and lower flange are 3/16 (vs 0.100 factory) and the vertical sections are 1/8. The two dog legs are 3/16 all the way around. One has to be careful not to make the redesigned area too much more rigid than the sections adjoining it or the difference in flex rates will start stress cracks. I don't know how much his had to have equal length tuned headers cost but they are now $500 more expensive. Now onto the transmission mount, made from a welded together leaf spring, and the rear shock mounts cleverly fashioned from all thread bent around the spring leaves. At least he said, "you might have to re-do a little of my work".

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