Has anyone used the conversion kit for power stering for a '53 Chevy pickup? I heard there was one for a Stock Stering column. Anyone know? I appreciate any advise or troubles you've encountered. Lee
I am using a kit from CPP and also using my stock column. So far no troubles. You can look on CPPs website and find the directions for it.
My experience with this type of kit was bump steer. The position of the steering box was too close to the axle centerline. The resulting drag link was about 9.5" long vs. the much longer stock drag link.
I used the same kit that 1 Hotrod used and no problems. bought the short drag link and used a 69 c-10 box and standard u-joints with the DD shaft and stock column. few weeks after I was on the road , I found out that the box needed to be replaced (used) bu I also installed a steering dampner and front swaybar. Makes lot of difference! Good Luck
~or~ Just take the time to find & fit , the correct size tires and Lo ! it'll steer just like it has power steering . " If It Steers Like A Truck , It's NOT A CHEVROLET ! " (original sales slogan)
Power Steering Question... Thanks guys for the help... advise. I like what I've seen... Nice work. Nothing better then the Old Chevy Trucks!
Nate is a "keep it stock" guy. Nothin wrong with that, just sayin. His choice is no power steering 'cause that ain't stock.
Aside from that, well adjusted steering and skinny, properly inflated tires go a long way toward easy steering. The 53 I did drove extremely easy with stock equipment.
Just Being A COB As I *do* understand the want of PS , my new '69 C/10 has it (Saginaw Squish-o-matic) but I never did need it on my '49 , not even when working it , towing , driving in soft sandy desert roads , parallel parking in the city fully loaded etc. Yes , I'm a keep it stock kinda guy because in the long run , it's always easier , cheaper , longer lasting and better . NOTE : slapping fat rubber on an otherwise stock old truck , means you'll soon have arms like Popeye .
I wanted the V8 w/my original steering column and straight axle, so that was about the only way (easiest,cheeeeepest) i could do it. New king pins, shackles and rebuilt the leafs on the springs. Radial tires 15" made a diffrence also. The CPP kit worked the best for my application. Hind sight being 20/20 if i had kept the I-6 , it would be stock steering box, new king pins, shackles, and radial tires . Good luck!