rear body removal?

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by pikemaster2, Sep 12, 2002.

  1. pikemaster2

    pikemaster2 Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    natick usa
    im trying to take the bed off my stepside but keep running into rusted nuts and bolts. they are not rusted to the point where i can break them off but they wont budge at all. any tips on getting those bastards off?
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Member

    Dec 8, 2001
    get a pipe to extend the leaverage. you could heat them up.
    thats all i got for ya now.
  3. SpiderT3

    SpiderT3 Member

    Sep 22, 2003
    Bristol US
    I had the same problem my friend. I found that the easiest way to remove the bolts, unfortunately, is to grind the heads off of them from above. It does take some time, and I would suggest some ear and eye protection, but I think it took me about an hour to do. This is the easiest way. I just did this about two days ago. I grinded the most of the head down and then took a cold chisel and chipped the rest of the head off. Then I used a 3 pound hammer and a pipe to pound the bolt down through the hole. The damage incurred to the bed depends upon how patient you are at grinding the head off. If you grind the whole thing off, it would be best.
  4. 84inArk

    84inArk Guest

    be carefull using brute force, you might strip your bed where your sholder bolt sits in. then you will be out of luck. I know it happened to me x(

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