Tailgater does! https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=427&ppuser=5596&sl=t https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=428&ppuser=5596&sl=t Are you asking because you're curious or are you asking because you want one for your truck? I wonder if you can put a bumper from a 1/2 ton on a 1 ton? Ken
Ken, I'm asking because I want one for the my truck it has the C channel one the guy I bought it from on welded up and I want to change the look a little. The brackets are different so I was told when I bought them from Chevy of the 40's for the 1/2 ton . Was thinking of building another C-channel one and have it plated with bolts welded in the place the brackets have holes and then adding the other goodies to it. But would still like the stock look somewhat.
Charles, here are some measurements! I've got a theory! I took measurements of my rear bumper (1/2 ton) for your reference. Now we need to get someone with a 3/4 ton to do the same and finally, get Tailgater to give us measurements. Starting from the end of the bumper on mine, it is 5 1/2" to the first bolt; from the 1st bolt to the 2nd bolt is 17 1/2"; from the 2nd bolt to the 3rd (which is the middle of the bumper) is 12 1/2"; 3rd to 4th is 12 1/2"; 4th to 5th is 17 1/2"; 5th bolt to end of bumper is 5 1/2". From end to end is 71". Measurements are across the face of the bumper, measurements are, of course, approximate. The rear width of the frames on the 3/4 ton and 1 ton are the same (approximatly 36") whereas the rear width of the 1/2 ton is 47". As such, the same bracket cannot be used, but the bumper might be ok, depending on finding suitable brackets. I have now gone into nuclear meltdown and am having trouble concentrating. But, I'm wondering if one took the right bracket and put it on the left and took the left bracket and put it on the right, if you couldn't compensate for the diff in frame width. Chew on that overnight and let's re-convene. Ken
Your 1 ton frame should be the same spacing at the rear as the 3/4 ton. All frames re the same from front to the first cab mounts, then the 3/4 ton and up run parallel to each other all the way back instead of at an angle like the 1/2 ton trucks. I believe I ordered my rear brackets from Jim Carter. The bumper is the same.
I am heading out the door to work but I will check it tonight, late, and get the measurements for a 1 ton on here. Charles, I bought mine from a local guy who deals in Chevy truck parts. He ordered it from somewhere. Maybe I can find out. Bill
Thanks Guys, I'm about to run out the door also to work and will look at this later also. Again Thanks
Sorry Im not really any help, but mine is a 3/4 ton, this is my rear bumper. The old farmer I got it from made an air tank out of it! I am going to keep it, as it speaks to the history of my truck. Plus its a beast. Let me know what you get figured out, and of course some pics! Gater you have one beautiful truck!!!
Now that I have had time to think about it, this is what I remember. The front bumper is different from the back but I think the backs are the same (as ol' chebby says) whether 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton or 1 ton. Also, the front bumper brackets and the rear bumper brackets are different. Now, are they different between 1/2, 3/4 and 1 ton? I don't know. I think I got my rear brackets from the fellow who hosts Stovebolt.com. He has a 3800 pickup too and had some extras. I assumed at the time that they had to be for a 1 ton but I really don't know. Wolf, Thanks for the comment. I have put so much money into mine that it is only good for parades, shows and occasional weekend tours. Yours, however, is a working truck that you can use everyday. Both paths are worthwhile. Believe me, more than once I have wished that I had gone the route that you have. If I could find one like yours I would be very tempted to find the money to purchase it. These old trucks are so much fun to drive I hate that I am limited. Bill
Bill, Are the measurements on the bracket hole for the bumper different than what Ken posted ? Wolf, I like the bumper you have on your truck a lot, i have always liked the tube bumpers because you can carry air in them, as the cow and horse Dortors have around here. Here is a shot of my current bumper
I'm "Engineering" right now! Confirm for me what the width of your frame is at the very back. It should be 36" on a 1 ton. 1/2 ton is 47" (just confirmed on mine)
35 1/2 inches is the measurement because of the extention that the 9 ft box has to have. the extention fits perfect inside the channel and has rivets on both sides from the factory, without the extention it is 35 7/8's +- 1/16th.
Sorry I am late. I had to run down to Knoxville and back tonight. I am still moving my daughter. I think this makes the 137th time. Anyway, these measurements from Ken are the same as mine. The question about swapping from one side to the other might be complicated. On my brackets they come out and down. If you swap wouldn't they come out and go up in order to make the holes fit? That wouldn't work. Bill
Thanks Bill, Hope the move is going okay, My youngest daughter and her five children and Son in law are thinking of moving from Reno to the Dallas area and they may be asking for the use of my pickup and farm trailer. Then again I'm only guessing what they are up to on the move, so they may never ask and just move on their own. And that is good to. Thanks for doing the measurement. I have the 3/4 ton brackets I bought from chevy of the 40's some time back. The bumper is what I can never get a concrete answer from the dealers as to will the 3/4 bumper fit.
If you have 3/4 ton brackets in hand, bumpers from a 1/2 to 1 ton will work. Flipping the 1/2 ton brackets will not work, they are like horseshoes and hand grenades, close but no good! Charles, hope that helped and Bill, as always, thanks from one vol to another! Ken
You guys are so good at these trucks its not even funny! A wealth of information for sure! Charles, I can't wait to see what you come up with!