I no it sounds crazy but is it possible by changing from 4-11 to 3-55 to 1 rearend that my heater core and radiator are both leaking all the sudden.I was reading the forum and all the sudden a light went on mabee thats possible.I have a 7lb radiator cap witch i had before the rearend change out I know it should be 4 or 0 thats my next step and then Iam going to take the radiator out and have it fixed and cleaned any input will be appreceated.
Vaugely Possible As the change in RPM Vs. load may have inched up the operating temperature and pressure . If it's just seeping , consider flushingnand using a tube of AlumaSeal , the world's best stop leak , no fooling . be aware that nothing will work if there's crud in the system .
Radiator Hi nate ya i put some of that radiator sealer in when i restored my heater it stopped the leak in the heater till now I stopped in at a radiator shop in south central la last week and asked how much to flush rout out and fix my leaks he said 50 bucks so cant beat that price.