I have recently rebuilt a 1980 350 4 bolt main in my 1979 Chevy K20. It is completly stock, except pistons are .030" over, and crank has been replaced. The past few days I have finally got it running and have started attempting to fine tune everything. This is only my second rebuild so I am still learning new tips and tricks along the way. Problem #1 - When I first fired the motor up, I instantly heard a high pitched squealing coming from the rear of the motor, sounds like a bearing noise. I thought that it was something with the clutch since it was my first one. I have tested it in Reverse, 1st and 2nd gear, no difference. The sounds changes and gets higher pitched with the engine reved up. Problem #2 - The motor will not idle at a steady rpm, it will go up and down, and wont run very well if at all below 1000rpm. There are many factors to this I know, timing, vaccum leaks, valves adjustments, carb adjustments, posibbly broken spark plugs. I found that if I disconnect the vaccum hose from the vaccum advance on the distributor it will die. I cant time it because the vaccum advance changes the timing and wont stay steady. I just adjusted the valves tonight and removed the dist. and now have another problem, which leads to problem 3. Problem #3 - I noticed that the distributor was making alot of clicking noise, which lead me to remove it. I tried taked the shaft out but it would not come out all the way because of two worn grooves above the gear where a few washers are. So I put it back together, and placed it back in its spot. After that, I tried turning it over and it sounded like the motor was having trouble turning over as if it was starting to freeze up on me. So I stopped there and adjusted all valves according to the shop Haynes Manual. After this, I put everything back together and tried turning the motor over, this time it turned over fast (normal), but I got nothing so I stopped, checked to make sure I pluged wires back into dist., and readjusted it. Tried turning over again and it started have trouble again as if it was starting to freeze up, or theres was a resistance that made it turn over slow. The battery is fine as I hooked a battery charger up to it. I dont think it is the started because it still works, but maybe it is? The oil pressure goes all the way to 60 as far as I know, and I did prime the oil system before I ran the motor. Also running 5qts of Havoline 10-30. Any help, tips, tricks, questions are welcome. I am getting upset and frustrated with this and need help from people who have had this kind of trouble before. Feel free to email me at shanoplong15@msn.com Thanks for any help! - Shane