dos relining gas tanks work for aney legth of time or shuuld i spend 350.00 and get a new one .tank dos not have aney hole but has rust my truck is at best average.thanks
I had the same problem, some thin areas and a few pinholes. Couldn't find a 47' tank anywhere. So in desparation I sent the old tank off to a guy in Pennsylvania He tumbled it, patched holes and rubberized it. He says I have a lifetime warranty because its a patented system/francise he uses. It wasn't cheap @$200 but cheaper then a new tank. Its going 7 years now without problems. I think he even put a drain plug in it. Flashlight
Re - Pop Fuel Tanks DO NOT use 'em ! they're paper thin , made in China and ALWAYS spring leaks around the seam , meaning you'll wind up having it coated anyways . Look in your 'phone book under " Gas Tank ReNu " ~ that's the system mentioned here and it works great . they save tanks I'da tossed away . Interestingly , I tried to GIVE AWAY a good AD tank right here for a long time and not one taker...
I think you are right Nate....that sounds like the system they used on my tank. He popped ahole in it to look around with a scope for rust holes...then threaded it and put in a drain. Flashlight