So while pulling off the doors to the truck I noticed that the springs and pins in the door hinges had seen better days. I noticed our host sells over sized pins to fix the old hinges and reuse them. I tried to remove one of the hinge pins and the best I was able to do was pull out the head which appeared to have snapped off some time ago. After pounding on the pin with a hammer and punch and getting no movement I thought I would add penetrating oil. That didn't seem to make any difference. That pin seems impossible to remove. Does anyone have any suggestions to get that pin out? Will adding heat do the trick? Thank you for your help!
Hey Steve, I tried heat,PB Blaster,a bigger hammer and lot's of colorful words.............then ended up buying used( in better shape hinges )than what I had. I bought the replacement pins but never used them. If u deside to go that route , let me know and I'll give you the guys name that I bought mine from. Good Luck!!!!!! Mike
Drill Um!! Just drill them out. sometimes you can get lucky and heat and pound them out. The last ones I did I wound up drilling. Put the new springs and pins in and your good to go. Chris
Thanks Chris and Mike I think I will apply heat and see where that gets me. After that I will probably just drill them out a few sizes smaller so I don't over drill them. I will keep them one way or another. Should be able to save some $ by not buying new ones hopefully.
Steve, When you drill you may want to have a set of replacement pins ready cause I think they are OVERSIZE. Smaller hole won't help in this case. I would have drilled mine out too if I could have found someone to do it. I still have the old ones in case I need them and find someone to drill them for me. Good Luck! mike
If you can drill them it would probably be the easiest way to go but if you want to try heat first, then soak them with penetrating oil first then heat them up by heating up the hinge. what you are trying to do is expand the hinge without expanding the pin. If you heat the hinge and you hear a popping noise that means the hinge has broke away from the pin. That's when it's time to drive it out. I hope this helps...Big Tim