Road Trip

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, May 25, 2011.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Road Trip
    To - morrow morning I'll head off to Oregon in my '76 Jimmy , it had been running sweetly , the 292 purring like new , no smoke and no leaks , Friday the distributor failed and I spent Saturday walking junkyards in a fruitless search for 6 banger dizzies , I did discover the V-ate dizzy uses the same flyweights so I grabbed a good set of those & some bushings and etc. , overhauled the old dizzy and it one again starts easily cold or hot *but* , it appears a valve is going South as I can hear one cylinder firing differently and it's running way too rich @ idle .

    No vacuum leaks were detected .

    I expect it'll make it there and home again just fine , I'll do a compression test and see what's what , yank the head and send it out for rectification .

    Jeez ~ when I bought this old lump I knew it needed work but I didn't expect to have to rebuild it from end to end , just to do one lousy job .

    I shoulda taken my '49 and camped in it instead .

    Anyways , no one on the '73 ~ '87 page cares about real trucks so I posted here .

    Somehow I managed to post this in another thread..... DUH .
  2. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    I care about you, VW. You didn't put the V8 distributor cap on too, did you? That might explain the one cylinder firing out of order...:p
  3. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Enjoy the trip, there isn't any snow predicted so the trip should be great.

  4. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Nate, be safe and have fun! Don't forget to dress in red, white and blue and think of all the fine men and women who served in the military and sacrificed so much to allow us to pursue our dreams!

    Happy Memorial Day weekend and God Bless America!

  5. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    Nate, I guess this Road trip will be much more docile then your Columbian Escapades. I will look forward to how you MacGyver the Jimmy back to California. Will it be Milk Jugs duct taped to the roof to Run fuel to the Carby??? The Suspense is killing me. "You Go Guy"!!

  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I Arrived

    In Salem , Oregon last night after the dealer closed so I'm slowly getting up & going , they'll be open by the time I arrive . Tea & Flapjacks first you know :rolleyes:

    The Jimmy is purring right along , no worries although it's using a fair bit of oil ~ a quart every tankful , not a drip nor drop and the engine remains dry as a bone (it better , I replaced most of the gaskets) , no tell tale oil spatters on the tailgate eith so I imagine it's buring it although I've yetto see a puff of smoke either :confused: .

    As soon as I clear 2,000 RPM's I can't even hea the weak cylinder so I guess it'l hold until I get home again .

    I'm keeping it between 60 ~ 65 MPH , this means I pass most Big Rigs but pretty much everyone else , passes me .

    It didn't break a sweat going over the Siskyous , (4,000 + elevation & 6 percent grades !)never slowed down nor needed more than 1/3 throttle , I know this is because of it's legendary Chevrolet thinwall , long stroke 292 C.I. InLiner engine :p .

    I really should look up how many horespower and Lb. Ft. torque this beast makes as it's a robust powerplant .

    It has been raining pretty much non stop since I passed into Oregon , good thing I always keep the windshield well dressed with Rain-X as this way I don't ever have to use the wipers and the whole glass remains clear .

    When I get home again I'll do a compression test but the oil useage means I'll likely drop the oil pan and push out the pistons and at the very least , re - ring it whilst doing the valve job , maybe I'll replace the pistons too as they're not overly expen$ive .

    I *could* have a set of gapless piston rings made for it , that'd be sweet but over $200 and I really didn't want to marry a long bed truck.....


    Stay tuned .

    BTW : this is Memorial Day as mentioned before and don't think I ever forget our Sevice Men & Wmen , not for one instant .
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Home Again

    O.K. , I stupidly pushed too hard & drove the rest of the way home Saturday night , arriving @ SWMBO's place @ 01:45 Sunday morning before passing out .

    The truck of course , just purred the whole way there and back , it didn't seem to notice the mountains nor the load......

    As I hit the Siskyou Pass , it began snowing ! I wish I'd remembered my cameras as it was just me and the snow falling ,no other vehicles on the road , they weren't stupid like me I guess .

    Jim . my friend in Oregon who sold me this Moto , is a Korean Vet. who had sh*t thrown on him as he returned for his tour of duty , this to a disabled man who's still in a wheelchair . shameful :mad: .

    Surely , the best thing about traveling is coming back home again , having my sweet waiting for me , only ads icing to the cake .

    I saw some derilict AD's here & there on this trip , I wish I'd had the time to stop at the junkyards I passed as I need a 292 intake manifold .
  8. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Not officially from a GM website, but I found more than one place that listed 120 HP and 215 ft/lb of torque. Note that these would be post '73 "real" horsepower, not the inflated kind that '50s trucks would be rated at.
  9. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Officially from the GM Heritage site, the '76 Chevy 292 cu. in. inline 6 was rated at NET 120HP @ 3600 RPM and NET torque of 215 ft-lbs. @ 2000 RPM, so let's use Bill's numbers. After all, he's a GMC man!;)

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