Reminder......wear your safety glasses. I just had some metal fished out of my eye....I just slid under a 1974 charger on monday to check out the gas filler tube, some crap fell into my eye. Figured it was just dirt and thought I got it out, but kept hurting. He scraped the metal and some rust out this m ornin g.......What fun!
Dang~ That hurt just READING that! Hope you're back to good by now. Sage advice. Even if it's just a little job, it only takes a second to screw something up.
Safety glasseds are a must, I had some caustic liquid splashed in my eyes as a teenager and had to under go scraping of the corneas three times during one summer, safety glasses would have prevented a summer intermittent with blindness and pain.
eyes are critical Thanks for sharing and glad you are OK. I recently bought a good set that fit over my regular glasses and they are cheap, see
SEE! SEE! cie senor, I always wonder why I have been spared, I wear regular glasses all the time and can't tell you how many times branches, chards and other debris have hit them. I now wear safty goggles over them. Sorry Russ, blind Art teachers aren't in big demand, be careful. Flashlight
I Hope They got all the metal out ! . I still have some rust in my right eye from not using my safety glasses just once in a buddy's shop , that was years ago and my right eye will never be good again in this lifetime . Listen to the wise words of experiance here folks ! . If the intense pain doesn't get your attention , think about a Doctor repeatedly sticking a needle into your eyeball to remove the chips , while you're awake because they cannot sedate your for this . Not a whole lotta fun , lemme tell ya ! . ATG , ATT ! .
never forget this if you have to have an MRI I think i recall years ago when i had an MRI - technician asked if i ever had any metal shards in my eye because the MRI machine will pull them out - and that means tearing out of your body through your eye. Not good. (I'd suggest you go to the beach, lay flat on your back and find an old guy looking for coins and rings to wave his metal detector over your face. If it doesn't set it off, you should be fine. But hey, i'm no doctor.)