Has anyone had any dealings with Scott Speedometer Service in Pontiac, MI? My odometer is accurate but the speedometer needle moves but is inaccurate. I talked to the folks at Scott and their process is for me to send them the speedo unit and they will call with an estimate once they assess the unit. 3 day turn around and I have a rebuilt speedo. Tried to press on a idea of cost but no go. I understand that the guy has no clue what I am sending - but I never like to start a process that I have no clue what the outcome will be... Cheers!
I got a speedo from them on eBay. I can't find my receipt to tell you what I paid but I felt it reasonable a the time. I know that I need to do some research on my truck to see what adapter I need to calibrate the speedo correctly. It is an adaptor that fits on the tranny where the speedo cable goes in. They make several ratios and you have to determine how far off yours is and send the info to them and they send you the adaptor. If your speedo is the original and you want it redone I can't think of anyone better. They have been doing it for years so they know the business. Gator
A Better Bet Would Be To look in the yellow pages and call the speedo shops near you , ask them as it'll need calibrating and that's a combination of your rear tire's size (diameter) and the final drive ratio ..... Assuming it works now and just needs the usual rebuilding (new drive bushing and odometer numbers) it should be about $200.00 on a drive in / drive out basis . Restoration work comes in at about $350.00 + but it will be indistinguishable from a N.O.S. unit at that price .
Thanks for the info. The issue is not one of calibration. I'm going 50Mph and the speedo reads 10 - 30 and back to 10... CP has a speedo for $109. I kinda of like that better than $200 - $350. Am I missing something? Cheers!
I missed that CP had those. I thought I looked but they are either a new item or I just flat missed them. I don't know where the $350 price came from. I got mine from Scott's for about $130 with housing and all. BTW, not everyone has a local speedometer shop. Gater
A silly question if I may-- have you greased the cable and the connection on the back of the speedo? Mine jumped like crazy until I did a good greasing, now it works fine.
Now this is from the 1970 up do this work on the most of the 50/60 trans. Because you might just need a new one, it might be striped a bit or wore out and only grabing now and then on ever tooth. OR this might be a bit of both this would be the cheapest to look at then there little gear at the back of your speedo see if it in good shape too not wore out, turn free. The cable turns nice and free does not stick mabye cable.
I need to check this further. The odometer is spot on so I did not think to verify the cable is spinning free. Thanks. Cheers!
Bruce ; Crawl under the truck and look to see if there's any sharp bends or kinks in the cable , if so , game over you need a new one .typically the kink or sharp bend will be near the tranny end . If not , tape a BIG garbage bag to the driver's seat and reach up under the dashboard and unscrew the cable from the back of the speedo , _gently_ pull it down until you can see the end of it , grasp the center and withdraw it , it'll slide right out in you hand , leaving greasy _permanent_ black stains on everything it touches. Using clean rags , wipe it perfectly clean then lube it with graphite grease as you slide it back into place . don't sweat the excess grease , just let it drop onto the newspapers you wisely spread on the floor . This might help you out , if during the cleaning you found even one frayed part or kink or other visable wear on the enner cable , replace it , they have cheap make your own center cable kits , measure carefully to ensure the tip doesn't stick out too far as this pre - loads the speedo hea'ds drive bushing and causes catastrphic failure in short order . WARNING : do NOT even think of re-lubing the cable and shoving it back in without a thorough cleaning! . this WILL cause it to bind & snap in short order . If the Bowden is bad , buy the AC brand metal housing cable , it fits all GM 1/2 ton trucks from 1936 ~ 197? .......... Delco parts dealers usually carry it cheaply too , last time I checked , Chevy Duty still had them . I've had poor luck with the plastic Bowden speedo cables but maybe they're better now .
**Good info. As said cleaning is always good, when lubing sorry I did not say that. The graphite grease works well I have used it too but with the plastic Bowden speedo cables I find the white grease work better. If the plastic Bowden speedo cables case is cut it have same thing happen again or bined brake .later