Hello, where have I to fix the seal for top vent cowl, to the top vent cowl or on the cap body? Ask wolfgang
It fits in the channel attached to the body. Now for the cowl vent. Tape everything first. Clean off old glue. Now glue in the rubber seal. I found that it all fit nicely after trimming the rubber to fit just inside the vent when closed. Close vent down, then trim with a very sharp exacto knife. Carefully ease the vent into the hole, then match up holes to the inside hinges and insert bolts. Hold vent down tightly while tightening bolts. Now connect adjuster arm and insert bolt. snug boltand check movement. Find the happy medium between tight closure and wide opening.
glue I think the glue that is used there is a 3M product called 1300L for best results thin that glue out with some toluol or toluene 50/50 and apply two coats to each surface and allow to dry between coats and after the second coat then put tehm together they will not stick which allows you to move teh seal to where you want it then just apply some more of teh medium you used to thin the glue ( like a thin mist spray dont inhale) and it will reactivate the glue and then it wont come off till you want it off Bill PS this is the only the technique that BF Goodrich and Good year suggest for applying thier DEICE boots to the leading edges of airplanes and it holds them puppies on at 300mph plus so there isa good chance it will hold that seal to your cowl vent