Stock Seat For AD ? I assume this is what you want ? . If you look at all the Hot Rods here , contact each owner as most of them discard the seats and wil sell very cheaply or give free ~ a nice fellow here sent me an upper spring as mine was long gone... There is also a classified ad section of this board , try there too . If you include where you are in your posts , often a local enthusiast will pop up with what you need...
WARNING ! Blasphemy Post ...FWIW , I am of the opinion that most older (say pre - '82) For - (choke) Ffffff - (gasp,hack) well you know , that other brand trucks , if properly equipped with InLine 6 Banger engines , can be made to run acceptably....... No , no ! it's true ! when I was a young farm boy I was too poor to afford a proper truck (means : GM) so I had a 1959 F-100 that was given to me and it had the venerable 240 CID InLine 6 Banger and a proper Three On The Tree tranny and was even a stepside to boot so I infused it with some Delco - Remy parts from old Ramblers and 1930's vintage John Deere tractors and it ran pretty well . PLEASE don't tell the rest of the guys as I'll never live it down