Well..........after about 16 months since my son in law "bought" her from me I haven't seen a dollar LOL. Thought it was time she came home
Re:Home She must have been glad to be home too. A little gas in the carby and she fired right up. Now to adjust those "16" valves,think I'll let my neighbor do it,he's a Chevrolet master mechanic.
YEAH!!!!! As it should be! That is one tough looking truck~ (Even tougher looking if it was a G, but...) I'm happy for you!
I can hear the bells and tin cans C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! It was meant to be. I am sure the two of you will be very happy together.
Dang Kids ! I hope you don't relent . On a related note (kinda - sorta) to-day a $400 Mercedes Turbo Diesel Station Wagon fell into my lap , my son has been after me to find him one for his soon to be bride so it looks like we'll go fetch it to-morrow . I'da made it a wedding present but I allready loaded up on those , him being my baby and all.... . If you take the time to service this old Chevrolet , I'm sure you'll enjoy driving it again .
Re:Mercedes So where do you find those kinds of deals Nate? No way in hades will the son in law ever get his hands on the Chevy again,lol She's gonna get all my weekend attention for a while,just in time to winterize her
Just don't have the wife get upset with the quality time you are spending with "her". Been there, done that!
" Deals " You mean like my $700 Jimmy that's worth $1,200 and has sucked up $1,500 of parts so far and I'm not done yet ? (yes , I know it's ready to drive anywhere, I still have work to do) ' Deals ' like that ? they're everywhere ~ I go to Police Impound auctions , junkyards , crappy Ghetto used car lots and prowl the back rows , I bang on folks doors whenever I see some klunker with 4' high weeds if I think it's interesting , like that . plus , good people like you alls know I like junk so this time , I got a message to go save this thing before it gets towed & impounded then scrapped .