Does anyone know a fix for the Shifting problem in a 1954 3100? It gets stuck in 2nd all the time. Are the linkage parts available anywhere and if so will replacing it fix the problem?
Parts uh oh, now i remember that problem 30 years ago with an old truck I had. Seemed like it would always get stuck at the stop sign with cars behind you . I got fast at jumping out and jerking it back into neutral by pulling the linkage under the hood. Those were the days, forgot about that it was so long ago. Yep, can be fixed but I'll have to look for the parts and supplier. TBsD
I would think you are speaking of a 3 speed transmission ?First you will need to determine exactly what is causing the transmission to stick in 2nd gear. If only sticking in one gear maybe inside the transmission or as simple as a bad bushing causing the shift control lever to 2nd & 3rd gears to bind at times. The shifter gate itself is contained on the shifter housing mounted on the bottom area of the steering column in the engine area. 2nd & 3rd gears are controlled together. The lower of the 2 control rods from the shifter gate to the bell crank have bushings that maybe gone or partially gone. From the bell crank you have the upper shifter lever connected by a control rod from the lowest position of the bell crank to the most forward shift lever on the side of the transmission. Would be easiest if you just got it to stick in 2nd gear then one at a time starting for the shifter gate down to the transmission determine which area is binding. If you can not get the gear to stick just do basic checks of the bushings and also rods themselves everything should be free and have some looseness. Would be best to get a copy of Page #7-2 in the Chevrolet truck shop manual which explains in detail checking the basic steering column gearshift adjustments. If you do not have a copy send me a address on PM and I will make photo copies and mail it out to you. Some shifter related parts are on Page #76 in CP catalog. My quess would be since is only 2nd gear maybe inside the transmission itself. If that is the case you have a decision to make Find another unit or rebuild. On a older transmission would not be wise to just try and address only 1 gears issue. Good Luck !
Yeah boopster,I got into the habit of shaking the gear selector in neutral between shifts. It "usually" worked and preventing the jamming.LOL
This is also great if you have a girl friend you're trying to impress. She just gets snuggled up next to you, you go to shift that three-on-the-tree, and oops- dang! You hop out, pop the hood, grab the tabs, pop them back where they belong... after the 3rd time in as many blocks, your hands look nice and oily and she's thinking... Solution- move the shifter to the floor. I don't think these hang like column shifters and your hand is in a better location anway!
been there You are without a doubt showing proof that you been there, got the t-shirt, hat and the BUMPER sticker My truck was named Mickey (remember, I was young), man I loved that truck. It was a 1965 chevy 1/2 with step side, 327, 11.1 pop ups, 3 column. went to 4 sp muncie, yep, for that reason, well,,,, to have it in the floor . Would out run anything in our school till it got to 95, then she was wound up tighter than Dicks hat band. oh, those school days, best 300$ I ever spent. TB'sD
some help We got to get Dick some real help, we are haveing too much fun from the past but it ain't helpin him get his tree fixed
Dick, do a search "transmission question". psy999 posted a thread about it and Nate came to the rescue (as usual). Personally, i always loved to have to get out of the truck and pop the linkage back where it was supposed to be!
The Nate's answer deals mainly with problems in the shifter housing, making sure it is well greased and properly shimmed. In my case (three on the tree in a 49 1/2 ton) that wasn't the problem, I could take the linkage out of the shifter house and it would still be stuck. As others have mentioned, you can grab the shifter linkage(s) coming up from the transmission and give it a yank, possibly freeing it there (and maybe not, as I often found out) "Billy Bob's Chronicals" details repairing/replacing the entire linkage (if you haven't visited his site you're really missing something). My transmission had so many other problems that I decided the best course of action is to go the t-5 swap route. Dave
Well ; If removing the linkage slop and adjusting didn't fix it , you have an internal tranny problem in the synchro hub , very unusal and you'll need a comprehensive rebuild to fix that . Have you tried ' Square Shifting ' ? sometimes known as ' posative shifting ' - if that prevents it from jamming in 2nd gear , then it's linkage or shift box related , not internal . I've only ever had one or two that weren't extrnal in nature , they get pretty worn out . I hope the guys can help you out here , I'm _seriously_ jammed up for time this next few weeks .
Since I'm running a Muncie SM420 , I'd like to be stuck in 4th. but yesterday it felt like 1st. all day long ~ I wonder how many totally stupid or outrageous things I said by mistake To-day it looks like I'll be on the road all day long . I'm hoping to get out in the fielr saturday and walk some junkyards , I need both parts and some relaxing exercise
Nate, Don't forget me if you happen upon 2 16 inch wheels with hub cap clips for my 54' Don't worry about wrapping them either I hate those paper cut's from my presents.
I talked to my desert hunting buddy to see when we might get out to where I find these wheels , last time I had some , no one wanted them at all . I do have to pay something for them plus there'd be some shipping involved...
Not a problem just let me know what you need. As long as they are not rotted out by the valve stem hole is fine. I have 3 original wheels cleaned up ready to go but need 2 more. I have access to a bead blaster & a local paint dude. Really trying hard to find 2 wheels with the original hub cap clips still in tack has become harder then anything else I needed on my truck. Have a nice holidays Nate
One of the wheels on my truck is seriously pitted , I said ' screw it ! ' and had it powdercoated anyway as it had all the clips on it , looks O.K. to me but it's my shop truck remember . I also have two , maybe three different wheels , they all look the same untill you remove a hubcap , then the differance is noticable . Last thing I knew , replacement clips were available cheaply . I'll keep an eye out but I still don't know when we're going back there .
To expand on what Nate called "square shifting" here is a tip that is really simple but many times works when the problem is in the linkage and not in the trans. The next time you drive your old ride shift with your palm facing back towards you instead of facing the windshield. You'll probably scratch reverse a few times at first but it will have you purposely moving the lever through the neutral gate rather than pushing it diagonally toward second which causes linkage hang up. In other words it will make you square shift without thinking about it.
Excellent point, Evan. That's the way i was taught to shift a 3 on the tree back a couple of years ago. OK, a couple of decades ago. OK OK, more than a couple of decades ago.
I remember being about 7 years old and having to shift for a teacher who couldn't figure this out , even after I showed her....... I'd have to ride in the middle of the bench seat and do all the shifting (left handed) whilst she drove . Since this one jambs up internally , my guess is : the snap ring on the synchro hub is not holding the dog in place correctly so it's popping out as the sliding ring passes to one end , I had a .......'48 (?long time ago) brand "F" pickup that did this/
Revisit topic I would like to re-visit this topic since I was stuck in second gear for a while. There is nonsign of the heat letting up in Texas, so I just have yo gut it up and get to work. i removed the steering gear box and consulted the Shop manual on page 7.2, but what is not clear what the proper position of the lower control shaft should be. When the Shop Manual says things like (part 7, page 7-3) "check to make sure shifter gates in the inner levers are aligned", what do they mean? Does anyone have any photos of what it should look like? Or a more comprehensive drawing of what the inside of the column gearshift box should look like? I am sure this is my problem. When the outer levers are disconnected fron the linkages, the tranny shifts easily through all gears. Greg