Apperently some of these shortshaft water pumps have bad quality bearings. I have one that needs a bearing replacement. I cant find out excactly how to take it a part and i need to know the bearing sizes to ? Hope someone can tell me this. Thanks Martinius. The picture attached shows the actual pump on top to the left.
Water Pump Service You can't just send it to the Tractor Repair place or Machine Shop for rebuilding ? . They'll know what bearings it needs from measuring , might be part #'s stamped into the edge of the races . maybe .
Getting shafted I used a water pump for a 216 engine with an adapter plate that is available in lots of places. It places the pump in the correct position relative to the radiator as well. The reason I did that is that I can run down to my local FLAPS and have a replacement pump in about half a day if I need one, versus waiting for the short shaft pump to be delivered from the catalog guys. The only issue I have ever had with the adapter is figuring out how to proerly seal it so it doesn't leak (thanks Nate) and I had to fabricate a thin spacer for the fan so it would clear the crank pulley a little better. After doingthose things, it hasn't given me a lick of trouble since Andy
Leaking waterpump! I am familiair with this solution , the adapter plate and the short axled 216 waterpump. It needs to drill some extra holes in the the front of your block , elsewhere a good solution. There is a guy here at the forum that deals a lot with building in these , but unfortunate i dont remember his name just now ! But what causes the leaking problem here ? Is it a leaking gasket or the bottemplate its self or is it leaking from the extra mounting holes you made ? Just wonder Martinius ?
Before you blame it on a "bad" bearing.... There are alot of things that are more likely the culprit... Bent,cracked or unbalanced fan blade tops the list. Incorrect or aftermarket fan blade installed. Wobbly or worn out harmonic balancer or generator pulley. Incorrect tension on fan belt or incorrect fan belt installed. Incorrect alignment of the belt on all the pullies & harmonic balancer. Not to mention rust & crud in the head or cooling passages of the block or an application of "stop leaks" that is gumming up the pump. If you have completely eliminated all the above possibilities.... maybe it could be a defective bearing.... but not likely.
Parts status in order mentioned Original fanblade is ok. Harmonic ballancer is new NOS Tension fanbelt ? maybe a bit to tight but i`ll check it up. Fanbelt ok Pullies ok Engine new overhauled no rust I`d reinstalled the bearings yesterday and now its fine. Martinius
leaking Matinius, Yes, drilling of the block is needed with the adapter plate. It's really easy. The leaking comes only from not using the proper gasket sealer. It has been trouble free for 5 years in my truck. Andy