Russ, I am at an impasse on painting my truck ('51 - 1/2 ton). When I started, I thought I would put two coats of the base color on all body parts then assemble the front fenders and hood. Then I was going to put another coat of base color on the cab and front then apply multiple clear coats. I am such a klutz and do not have enough space to guarantee I will not scratch the panels if I clear coat them before assembly. The problem is the welting. If I try to paint the last base layer and clearcoat after assembly the welting will be in the way. I could mask the welting, but I am afraid it would leave a hard edge. Should I just gird my loins and finish each body part to clear coat and assemble with adequate masking and much care? Greg
Paint it all to completion in pieces, unless you are painting a pearl coat or Kandy. Tape ALL surfaces before you assemble. Have an extra hand available to hold parts for you.
You can assemble it clear coated Glen, I am a one time amatuer, and I put my 54 together with the clear coat on. Lots of patience, and lots of good masking tape. Sometimes extra hands. Good luck. Jim