Could anyone tell me what they use for headers on a 51 3100 small block ? Do the block headers fit without a lot of work ??.... THANKS
Long Ago.... I *think* we used 1960's vintage ' Rams horn ' stock headers , if this is correct (Evan & others will correct me) they're still available brandy new from NAPA .
The block hugger headers work well,but you will have to do something about your steering box. Even the Ram horns are tight for the steering box. If you get the right ramhorn you get the alt. brkt made into the side of it. Good luck
I am finding out now (hind sight 20/20) do not install your shock mounts or steering box until you get your motor set. I was cutting and grinding all day yesterday REmoving the driver side shockmount and replacing it behind the axle cause of the P/S mount I thought would work($250 later) would not,(Toyota) so now I'm off to buy a new steeringbox and conversion kit to steer my '48. The shorty block huggers work great! You may also want to invest in plug sox cause the boots do get burnt! DON'T LET THIS DISCOURAGE YOU! Ask questions and send pics. Good Luck! Mike