I found this site out on the Discussions forum of http://www.oldgmctrucks.com/ Here are 2 links for some info on our trucks. I haven't had time to read through them yet, but i thought I would share anyway. I hope it has some relevant info http://auto.howstuffworks.com/1950-gmc-fc101-pickup.htm http://auto.howstuffworks.com/1947-1955-chevrolet-trucks.htm
thats interesting. at some point in my trucks life the driver side was in a crash. when it was "fixed" the whole front end was replaced with a GMC one, hood, fenders, grill all of it. so would you call my truck a Chevrolet or a GMC?
yeah i finally read some of it, and its not right... I have a GMC also! but that is what i think makes our GMC's more unique!!! Not trashin chevys but i love my GMC
bite my lip I so want to say its an abomination in gods eyes but i wont, its a shame it was repaired with sub standard parts, rip them off an put a proper front end on the old girl
Puh- leeze ! I hate silly fluff pieces like this , written by people who don't know anything about the subject at hand.... Much as I like Chevy's , the GMC was radically heavier duty having full pressure lubrication AND SEVEN main bearings in a high nickle content block , pressurized cooling system meant you could actually load the crap out of it and not have all the coolant boil out on the first hill if you charged it like most truck drivers did.... I could go on at length but you (goofball) Jimmy lovers all know what I'm on about . I also find it hard to believe that GMC's are worth less than thier Chevy counterparts are ~ maybe in Pacoima
SAAAAAAAY wHAT???? OK, Nate~ Don't get me started... I could check the pages, but I think we already found a source on who has the more valuable truck...
I'm going to settle this right now! As far as I'm concerned, they are ALL valuable. Mine is priceless!