I changed my rearend from 4-11s to 3-55 from patricks and it works great problem is my spedo was about 20 miles slower than actual speed then it finely snapped so i now need to replace the spedo cable and i orderd this gear form patricks its a gear that will give me the right reading on the spedo that attaches to the end of the cable at the transmission well ive been waiting almost 2 months for the gear mind you patricks is having a problem with his supplier and I understand that, question is does any body know where else i can aquire one of these gears I need one soon because i am going on vacation with my truck soon thanks for any help.
These guys seem to have every speedo gear in creation. They also do reducers and such to adjust your speedometer if required. http://www.transmissioncenter.net/speedometer_calibration_______va.htm Stan
Ron, I'm embarrassed! I guess I should have read your question more thoroughly the other day! All I saw was "speedo" gear and vacation! For a minute I thought you were asking about where to get speedo swim ware to take with you on on vacation! Just funning you! Ken
You can go to www.bowtieoverdrives.com and click on calculate speedometer gears for either the 700 or 200 OD trans. I just measure the tire diameter and plug that in along with the rear gear ratio rather than try to put in all the aspect ratio mumble jumble. It will give you the tooth count on the drive gear on the trans output shaft and the count on the driven gear on the end of the speedo cable. You can then get them from any GM dealer---not just Chevrolet.