Each time i coem to a stop sign or llight or even a turn the engine either stalls or practically stalls if i catch the gas just right i can keep it running. I can drop it in nuetral and coast to the stop and it willl be idleing at 600rpm or so just fine but at that last second when i apply brakes to stop booom teh engine slows down to maybe 100 RPM and I dont catch it it will stall. Ive adjusted teh valves and set the timing and idle and even set up the vac gauge and set teh Mixture as per Nates ealrlier posts which i thought was goign to be the cure but it did it to me again today after that final step. It hasa Rochester carbie on which I rebuilt a month ago chasing this and today i also checked for intake leaks which i found none oh and the Vac gauge was pulling 20 inches at 600 RPM. It was suggested that fuel was splashing out of the float into the throat of the carby and the float was set to high but i set it to the specs in the manual. THe one thinkg that was diffferent was teh length of teh needle in teh rebuild kit, it was longer than the one that was in the carby before teh rebuild which i think was benefit as before hand I dont think the fuel was ever shutting off as the needle would not make contact when the float was all the way up I blamed it on the Previous Owner that the short needle was in there. this has got me bugged out for a number of reasons , Im using the starter much more than i Want to which in turn is using the little electrons in teh battery more so then i think the generator is putting them in and im concerned that one time on teh way home Im going to use more then i have enough of to get home and ill be going up hill.
Flooding ? O.K. , I am not there to diagnose it but I once had one do this very same thing and I KNEW I'd adjusted everything dead nuts but still upon stopping it'd die.... It turned out the air horn was ever so slightly warped , I found this by leaving it idling and jacking up the back end by lifting on the pumpkin (you get higher lift this way) and as the rear end got high enough , the engine began to stumble and die I installed another carby I knew was O.K. and LO ! the stalling problem was gone , never to return . Just a thunk , you're the On Site detective
Nate you done it again I thought about your warped air horn. I bakced off the screws holding the airhorn down and then went back over them and secured to 25 inch pounds each nice and even problem seems to be solved I drove around finding every stop sign i could took it out on teh highway fora spell even stopped at some traffic lights no stalling at all thanks Nate just teh idea alone saved me from buying a replacement carby Bill
Good Deal ! I've had a few that were B.E.R. so I handmade extra thick gaskets and _glued_ the air horn onto the bowl using the old # 1-H Permatex ~ that's the gas proof , permanenet one... Kinda a ' Hail Mary ' thing Anyway I'm glad you're good to go , remember it if the problem comes back in the heat .