Hi folks - the starter in my 1952 3100 (12volt 235) has begun to act up. About half the time it spins without engaging the bendix drive and even when it does engage the flywheel, it spins out almost immediately and I have to try the starter pedal again. It takes a half dozen tries usually. Any thoughts, or do I need a new starter? Thanks. Richard
There should be an auto electric place nearby, they can rebuild it. Nate can probably tell you the secret farmer rehab trick......
starter The starter needs a checkup for typicall wear or electric failure , you can take the starter out and look at the same time at your flywheel/toothwheel condition. Maybe your starter just needs to get cleaned or new brushes? Testing your starter you can do using a 12 v. battery , connect the starter to the battery and pay attention if the starter bendix comes out quikly. A bad electric sirquit inside the starter means it does`nt engage the Bendix enough and it will not work properly. The bendix teeth should be in angle and sharp , any signs of wear are easy to observate. Hope this gives you some help Martinius.
About a 90% chance it is a bad starter drive. Rock Auto has the one for the foot stomp starter for $8.22 and key start for $18.93.
Bendix I know how to fix it but not where to get the special square springs . Last time we hand carved some fro Teflon blocks , that worked permanently . If it's a '55 > 12 volt starter , Standard Ignition # SDN-1A , Brushes # RX-60 . The '52 6 volt starter uses a # SDN-73 Bendix and a maybe # RX-45 brushes . My Better , NAPA Catalog has been taken Home as I got tired of loosing it to thieves here @ Work . I hope this helps , remember to put a pencil tip of good grease in the bushing before re - assembly .