Remember way back 8-9 months ago? I had this miss in the 62' 235 motor that defied solution. It was a badly worn cam, worst case scenario, huh. I have a spare 55' motor that started right up. My truck has got a 3 wire harness for the 62' starter. The 55' starter has only two wires. I want to keep the parts from each motor with each. Is there a way to use the 2 wire starter with my 3 wire harness? BTW, I found a NOS 54' Corvette 235 cam, I hope it will be OK in the 62' motor. It is being rebuilt by a good shop, and I will again have a fresh spare 235.
No Way to Macgyver these starters? Thanks Nate, I was going to do that, not because its electrically correct. Rather, I am too cheap to buy another one. I just wondered if there was something I missed or could change the wiring to get the two wire to go. Naturally I did not count the flywheel teeth and have some concerns there. I used the smaller 55' sedan clutch and pressure plate and the 62' had a larger clutch and pressure plate, I assumed was truck size. Hopefully the starter motors will engage the same way on either one Flashlight
12 Volt Starters Pretty much all interchange . The ring gear tooth count remains the same regardless of the clutch diameter . DO take the opportunity to take it carefully apart and clean & grease it .