The online shop manuals say to remove the seat cushion, unbolt the inner fender for clearance, unbolt the steering box, rotate and remove by coming out over the fender. Has anyone tried to remove the steering gear by unhooking the exhaust on a 6 cyl. and taking it out the bottom? In eyeballing mine it looks like it would clear. I have an aversion to taking it out over a newly painted fender if I can help it. Thanks, Bill
I have a funny feeling that if that would work, they would have mentioned an alternative route... I just took the box (only) off my frame, and I'm trying to imagine how you could do it without removing the fender. Oooooooooooh Naaaaaaaaaaaaaate...........
Ya gotta remember that mine is a 1 ton and some things are different as far as frame size, clearances, etc. I wish I had a 1/2 ton to compare to. If only I could find one sitting in a barn....
Tailgater should not matter if 1 ton same removal basicly. When I took mine out just followed Pages #9-4 #9-5 of the Chevrolet truck shop manual. You do have to disconnect the inner fender skirt on the left front & other parts then rotate and slide out over the fender area. I just covered the inside area and also fender/engine area with drop clothes to prevent any damage
Thanks, guys. It will be a little while before I do it cause I still have to drive it to the shop to have the bed attached. Once that is done I will do it and give ya'll a follow-up. Bill