I will be ordering my column soon and need to get some "expert" help on the install. I think I know how to measure for the column length but how do you drill the hole in the toe panel? What tool do you use and how do you attach the column there at the toe board? Any other suggestions/tips will be appreciated. 51 3600 Ididit column
Measure from the back of the steering wheel at the column(taking in account wheather you want the wheel moved closer to the dash) to the floor. Now add 1-2 inches...how ever much you want sticking out from the firewall. Many sell mounts in a billet ball fashion, or a clamp mounted to a ring. I have had good luck welding a 6" pipe that just slips over the steering colomn to the floor. Weld a nut to the tube and drill out the hole, insert bolt to tighten and lock down the bottom of the coloumn. I did this in the 50 I built with a smooth firewall. To drill the hole, use an appropriately sized hole saw. Pre drill the pilot hole and use a long pilot bit to locate the center. Carefully drill away.