Steering Wheel Colors?

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by grayhitandmiss, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. grayhitandmiss

    grayhitandmiss Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    My 64 was originally an all white exterior, with the beige / fawn interior.
    The steering wheel and metal pieces below it, were white.
    Were the steering wheels originally the exterior body color,
    or in two tones, painted to match the roof color, or was
    there any rhyme or reason to what color they're painted?
    I'm painting the truck two tone, light green body, white
    top, and the interior fawn.
    Should my steering wheel be white, green, fawn?
    Also, I have some white Acrylic Enamel that matches the
    roof color. Can I use Acrylic Enamel on the steering wheel?
    If so, do I need primer or some kind?
    Thanks for any help!
  2. six4me

    six4me Member

    May 18, 2005

    My 66 was a two tone originally, but the wheel was the fawn color. I think I have heard some of the custom cab wheels were painted white.

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