HELP ! I need one of those cheap Red Vinyl steering wheel covers for a different old car , I want the crappy looking one with rows of holes punched in it so you might be able to pretend it's leather even though it obviously isn't.... you know , the one with the attached string of gimp that's always coming loose and flapping 'round & looking bad . It needs to fit a 17" or larger diameter wheel . I can find the 13" ~ 16.5" size easily but the larger ones have all dissapeared... the size is always printed on the back of the package . PLEASE HELP as my old mangled fingers are having the devil of a time holding onto that skinny steering wheel . NOT LEATHER ! . I can't use that . TIA ,
Go to any truck stop located on a big interstate.... they have a whole wall of steering wheel covers to fit
Truck Stops That's what I thought and since I've been traveling Nevada and Arizona quite a bit lately , I hit every one I could find and not a one has these . only the crappy ones for modern cars with 13" diameter wheels that are allready big and soft... I know SOMEONE either knows where they are or will find one and let me know... HELP .
Sorry - not available in red
Tucson Truck Terminal You changed the picture ! I didn't pass through Tucson , doggone it... if they have one on the shelf , lemme know and I'll jet out there , not like I have anything better to to do than drive .
Ok Nate maybe I will be able to help you on this one. Look at the 4th page. Bam there is a Red one with the holes and the lacing! Another One Good luck
Thanx ! The red one on page 4 says only 15" wheels .the other red one below that doesn't mention any size so I'll have to shoot them a note and see what they say . Whew ! this is wayyyy more difficult than I'd though t it would be... I appreciate the help .