I don't know who this Garmin gps is but I hope a girl because if I ever find them I'm going to kiss them. Used to be a tire change or gear change threw the speedo off and it was a bit of a hassle to come up with the right speedometer drive/driven gears to correct the error. Now one can just get it up to 60mph (or any other speed) and compare the Garmin reading to the speedo reading. If the speedo reads for example 25% fast or 25% slow just pick a set of gears that slow the driven gear by 25% for the too fast reading or speed the driven gear up by 25% for the too slow reading. Easy-peasy. Some day I might even try to use it for finding an address. I do know I'm going to mold one into the dash of my 34 so any tire or gearing makes no difference to a dead accurate reading.
Just discovered that old man???? The new smart phones have apps that do that also, we have used this on many projects, many of our friends just use the GPS instead of a speedo.
Gps My son is a Garbage Truck Mechanic and I'd mentioned I wanted one of these as used ones ae $30 or so , he found one and gave it to me , an early Garmin ~ It's really very handy when I'm in the middle of nowhere looking for some unmarked back road.... Plus the true & accurate speed thing is nice . Not long ago I found some site that sold 20 different speedo drive gears for GM slush boxes, I never knew they made that many . Once I get my 292 and TH350C lockup tranny in , I'll take a stab at swapping the gears out to make the speedo accurate .
Evan, Pucker Up.... Ahhh, come on guys. What's wrong with the old school method of running 60 mph on the speedo while on the highway and using a stopwatch to time yourself between mile markers.... If it takes 55 seconds you're running 65 mph, If it takes 65 seconds you're running 55 mph, If it takes 5 seconds you're John Force running 300 mph , or you need a new watch What could possibly go wrong? I have a Garmin GPS too. Use it pretty much exclusive for hiking trips here in Colorado. 2 hours back into the wilderness it's good security for finding your way back to civilation And I must admit I too have used it to check the speedo on the old Hot Rods during shakedown runs.
So Cool! Nate, we must be kin! I bought a used iphone 4 and downloaded Google Maps for free and I love it. Its sometimes off, but you can usually figure out what confused it. I don't know how to get it to give me MPH though? Russ...I know you like bling! I got a gold trimmed protector for it. $3.95 from China...I'm Baad! At least here in Tennessee lol PS if you buy a used phone make sure its unlocked so you can go with any provider.
It's probably old and is for sure beat up but my Garmin is a "nuvi 255W". I don't have a smart phone and haven't yet learned how to store names/numbers on my old Nokia that came out before the flip phone was invented. I feel a kindred spirit with all my tools since we're all old, slow, work sporadicaly, and can be cranky at times. Those are beautiful pictures, especially when viewed by a flatlander but of course I have to connect them to a car story. I was amazed when we had my wife"s car in the Tetons and it ran as good as at sea level. The last trip before that was in a carbed car and it was down to chugging along at high altitude. Hate to admit that high tech can make things better at times.
Modern Times (movie title) I use some modern tech , breakerless ignitions , synthetic oils , radial tires and so on . The GPS was just a fun toy I wanted and got for free . The whole thing of a scrolling map as I drive seemed cute . Of course , not lookng at it whilst driving limits it's usefulness but still and all , I like it . Even though I run carbys on all my old rigs and they work perfectly even on my nearly 2 stroke oil burning 250 CID L6 , I'd change it to fuel injection if I could in a heartbeat because who doesn't want MORE POWER plus better fuel economy and longer engine life ? .
I have the same GPS. It gets you where you are going, but it helps to know where you are going J.I.C.. Mine has sent me down some dirt roads, especially in lowcountry SC, but gets me there. It once sent me around the edge of a field, litterally 2 ruts through the grass, under a tree stand, took a right at the old abandoned combine, crossed a culvert and there was the road, just like it said. I will sometimes just follow it home to see where it leads me, even when I know the way. Found some interesting junkyards near Darlington, SC that I need to get back to.
Thanks Evan, I still have my first flip phone and beatup case for it. I just sent to habitat for the humanities my older phone and all the electronic gizmos that have stopped working over the last 15 years. I guess it is time to move forward again. Charles
No Evan, your Nokia is not "pre flip phone". Here is the side view of the Motorola flip phone that my wife got in the early 90's and a "modern" flip phone. At one point she had an extra capacity battery on it that made it another 1/2" thicker.
Scepticall to photo scanners When driving a long the highway i sometimes ask my son what excact speed we have as i dont trust the highway scanner cameras we have here wich gives an enourmes yearly income to europeen countrees. My sons Aple Iphone 4 is of great help as the GPS satelite tells us our excact position and speed i feel blessed every time coming home without getting any speeding ticket. But i dont trust the camaras speed distance measuring technolegy really as they have discovered that most cars with digital or old model OD meters have 5 -10 km error margin plus/minus on top of the shown speed on the meter. Between 2 points of excact 2 km they have placed the camara poles measuring the average speed being excact 80 km. Having a faster speed then 80 km + - the margin results in a speeding ticket , slowing down between the 2 points means under 80 km results in no ticket but could cause dangerous acts in traffic. Its a bit like gambling as you never no the excact outcome of it . Taking away this unshore situation i would really like to buy a Garmin GPS or a TOM TOM device but wich of them models do you guys recommend. What about availeble updates worldwide ? Thanks fore sharing your beautifull photos lakeroadster . Rocky Mountains high by John Denver.
Martinius, That's what i wanted to know.....which app on the iphone tells you speed, I have the Google maps app (free download) and it is Tom-Tom. It made the whole phone pay for itself. Just in fuel not wasted driving around asking questions/directions. I'm amazed it even talks. Not to mention time. The whole smart phone is very user friendly even for old guys. Still smarter then me but I'm learning. By the way Evan....my Tom-Tom is a girl...kiss away! I call her Blon-blon!
On the Garmin website, you can download different voices and icons, kinda fun to play with. The kid's favorite is the squirrel.
True story. A few years ago a hurricane blew through our area. No major damage at my house, but the power was out for 10 days. At the beginning of our power outage cell phone use was practically impossible because of too much demand. Land lines were still working because the local offices have battery backup, but most land line users have phones that require house power. My wife has a collection of old phones, some dial and one touchtone that run off the power supplied in the phone line instead of the wall. They worked just fine. We loaned dial phones to the neighbors on either side and across the street. The high school aged girl next door couldn't figure out how to use the Western Electric 202 (circa 1930) phone we loaned her family, which was just fine with her mother.
Cool, Bill! All this GPS stuff makes me feel like a real frump. We have one "cell" phone, but it's a pay as you go. I guess if my speedometer doesn't work, I'll just do it the old fashion way. Pace traffic. Electronics suck enough of my life out in a days time. I don't want to lose anymore.