I keep telling people to look into other folks ' trash ' as you never know quite what you'll find ~ I went to the annual Moto Swap to - day and was digging in a milk crate of random papers because the guy had vintage Chevy parts scattered in amongst the Moto parts , he said his girlfriend's pops had died and they were cleaning out the garage so I dug deeper & deeper , I found a nice folded up 1947 Chevrolet full line truck sales brochure , he shrugged & said ' $5 ?? ' ~ I didn't even try to offer less as it's chock full of color pictures of happy Journeymen enjoying the new " floating full comfort cab in 12 no extra charge colors " and so on...... I found a '41 ~ '46 truck shop manual that had seriously dog eared pages , $10 but I have an N.O.S. one so I left that behind . Lotsa fold out color postcards from the late 1940's from all across America, when I were young , my pops yelled at me for looking at these & asking for them , now I have a set of 8 or 9 of them , very nice , As-New , I'll enjoy them slowly and then give away or trade , pass along as I only paid $1 each WOW . there was ever so much more , apparently the old guy was into coin vending and had two 1947 Chevy Sedan Deliveries so there were all manner of vintage trade magazines and sales fliers for coin operated vending , rides pool tables and so on ~ even N.O.S. fortune cards for the .05 CENT Gypsy Fortune Teller Machines I remember so well ~ lots of the various paper cards & things necessary to run vintage coil operated vending machines . I left it all behind as I ran short of $ . My point : you HAVE TO LOOK or you'll never get the cool stuff like the tiny square 1949 calendar that never got given away but will soon adorn the dashboard of my '49 Chevy pickup truck......
I always pass the boxed item sellers and look for the yardsale/ clean out the garage guys. They always have the weird and cheap stuff. Scored 53 buick headlight rings for $40, 55 chevy steering wheel for $30, 50s Ford hood ornament for $20, etc......all of which are on my truck.
Yardsales are a good thing. My cousin took me to a cople of yardsales this summer. The sun whas shining bright and we where offered coffe to. The thing i like with yardsales is to meet the people behind them , every yardsale has its own history , the recycling part of used items is nice to , but nevertheless most of the stuff is mostly quite cheap.Some of the yardsales we visited had some good quality car tools to. Martinius.