So you buy a kit for your 50 chevy. Then you need a replacement bearing. Evedently you just can't go down to the parts house and pick one up.I don't understand where these bearings come from. Do you sell replacement bearings for these kits. And if I'm in the middle of nowhere how am I supposed to get home?? What's a guy to do??
The Bearings & Races , Should have a # on them, Which Should be easy enough to Cross reference To Find one thats available Locally, Very few Bearings I,ve ever ran across only had one use & were Used in Multiple Aplications. See if You can Find the # on the flange on the inner race it,ll be right on the edge & Post that & We Might be able to Help .
Cowboy, I don't have the tapered bearings. That's my point. I can't find the bearing numbers they use. If I could I could buy them at work. Not to get out of paying Classic truck, but when your broke down I don't want to have to order my wheel bearings and have to wait.So are they a common bearing or some special machined set. I have my doubts.
Gotcha Breezy , Sorry I Thought You had allready had some & Wanting to replace . Best of luck . P.S , Thats One Reason I Wont Use any Kind of Aftermarket kits . IF They will Split the kit up in Seperate pieces When You Need Them . It,s Really gonna cost You I,ve found .
The folks that make the kits will most likely use existing pre-manufactured wheel bearings that fit other vehicles. Make sure to ask the kit's vendor where parts come from.. I did a disk brake kit from "someone" that required later year tie-rod ends and that they be swapped from outer to inner. If you where the next owner of the vehicle and needed to replaced a tie rod end you would be truely HOSED !! Most of these kits use GM components, you just need to know from what year they originated when dealing with generalized parts stores... Val
Val you are right on your info. These are used somewhere I just can't find out where. I have sold parts for 20 years and can not find those size bearings in any of my spec books.